10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


New Resources from PBS Learning Media

Dinosaurs, fossils, and paleontology have always held a sense of mystery.
What can dinosaur bones tell us?
Why did dinosaurs disappear?
This week, examine the mysteries beneath the soil
with resources from PBS LearningMedia! (Free Sign-up).

Dig in to these fascinating dino-themed resources
from PBS LearningMedia:

Interactive Field Guide, Grades K-2
Take virtual x-rays, explore facts and figures,
and get to know more than 70 different types of dinosaurs.

Scientist Profile: Paleontologist, Grades 4-6
What does a paleontologist do?
Follow Gary Takeuchi as he digs for bones, fossils,
and other remnants of prehistoric life.

Dinosaurs, Grades 4-6
Get a great overview:
Learn where dinosaurs lived, what they ate,
and why they might have disappeared from earth.

Dinosaur Discoveries: Footprints, Grades PreK-1
What do footprint fossils reveal?
A whole lot!
Learn what paleontologists have discovered
from the footprints they’ve found.

Types of Fossils, Grades 3-12
Explore the difference between
body type and trace fossils.
Investigate the clues hidden within.


Other PBS Learning Media Posts


It’s not All about Cognitive-Affective Learning merits consideration too

Affective learning projects put their focus on using current knowledge to help inform new information, says Walter Smith in his post, “Affective Learning and Prior Knowledge“.

 Evaluation of affective learning offers a real alternative to conventional evaluation because it evaluates the entire learning picture, not just the outcomes of learning. Its focus on integrating past learning makes it ideal for returning, lifelong learners. ~Walter Smith

What is substantially important for me is that students see an emphasis on context and connection. A balanced curriculum approach would include, must include, the treatment of the Affective Domain first proposed by D.R. Krathwhol. Long a fixture link on my OOPS website, Krathwohl’s Affective Domain values information Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organizing, and Internalization.

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