10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Tech BFF: Josie’s Poems

BFF is an acronym for “Best Friend Forever.” These websites and tips are so good that they will become your technology BFFs!

My daughter’s first unit when school begins in a few weeks, my daughter’s first unit is scheduled for Poetry.

Ah, the astuteness of curriculum planning…middle school kids, a new school year, triple digit heat, and poetry.
I am emailing my daughter a linkable gift to Josie’s Poems, a happy, inviting website that celebrates poetry, encourages readers to write poems, and even offers a Skype interview with the poet herself, Josie Whitehead.

“I’ve written about 1000 poems now and I would say that easily half of the poems are suitable for secondary schools, ESL teenagers and adults,” writes Josie.

JOSIE’S POEMS: http://www.josiespoems.webeden.co.uk/#

See also this link on the page: Write a Poem Yourself


Teaching in ESL

Diversity is one of the earmarks of today’s classroom, and chances are if you have never had an ESL student in your classroom, somewhere along the way you will.

Working with ESL students is often very rewarding and can bring an exciting dynamic into the classroom, while also offering a challenge.

Cammy Harbison explains more in her post 8 things your ESL students need but won’t tell you

Read more by clicking here

See the OOPS Page of ESL Resources

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