10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Back to School~Incorporate Podcasts

BacktoSchoolAs you return to school, consider tranferring your printed resources into podcasts.

Here is a podcast by Tremaine Jackson and  Deborah Tarsiewicz explaining the growing popularity of the genre, Steampunk novels. What I like is the transferability of your hardcopy texts to Web 2.0 tools such as Podcasts. As explained in a previous post on podcasts, I like Pod-0-Matic, a free podcast conversion utility.

Give a listen:

Some uses for Podcasts:
website greeting for parents
daily/weekly class annoucement on your website or blog
student projects –poem recitations, stories, biographies, summaries of novels, historical periods, current event
weekly “TeacherTalk” diaglogue starring you and a colleague

General Tips for Podcasts:
keep language concise, direct, and lively
keep podcasts short…less than 4 minutes
add texture with music, sound effects

Great source for Podcasts:
Library of Congress–my personal favorite
Scientific American
Podcast Alley

click here to read more about incorporating social media in your classroom (pdf download)


Back to School~Classroom Design

BacktoSchoolI wrote a post last week asking for advice, ideas, quotes, and best wishes for my daughter who begins her first year of teaching next Monday. I have really appreciated the responses and learned from them.

One veteran teacher and friend sent a link for practical suggestions for many beginning activities, such as designing classroom layout space.

The layout of your classroom fosters a great response for learning. I would always have a seating chart set for the first day, even though students would be changing schedules during the first week. Knowing that I knew their name and had prepared for their arrival made a difference to my students.

Click this link to read the blogger’s ideas and apply the suggestions.

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