10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Weekend Ed. Quote~June 8~Heraclitus

Those who love wisdom must investigate many things. ~Heraclitus

Heraclitus quote


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Tech BFF~The Memorial Hall Museum Online

tech bff

BFF is an acronym for “Best Friend Forever.” These websites and tips are so good that they will become your technology BFFs!

Today’s Tech B.F.F.~~~The Memorial Hall Museum Online offers a Magic Lens www.americancenturies.mass.edu/activities/ which allows students to manipulate documents so they can better understand what they are reading. 

Why is this a big deal?  “As students work with primary source documents and learn from scaffolded analysis tools and procedures, they gain confidence to start to frame the problem in their own way, seek solutions on their own, use their own methods, and make their own mistakes. Their experience with modeled document analysis provides the structure that allows them to take risks—they develop their own hypotheses and discover that there is no single right answer.” (Allen et al, 2005/2006)


See more Tech BFFs


Weekend Ed. Quote~June 1~Never doubt

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”  Margaret Mead (1902-1978);  cultural anthropologist

never doubt picture



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