10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Confessions of the Oldest Padawan on Tython~2

As part of my doctoral coursework, I’m enrolled in a Game-design course. One of the immersive experiences is to spend time in the MMORPG domains. I chose Star Wars Old Republic. The obvious fact that I was born before Sally Ride blasted to space is not lost on me. At any given time, I am the oldest Padawan on Tython.


Confession: I wade into Tython’s waters slowly. When learning something new, it’s best to tether to an expert.

My Games professor discovered our SWOR Facebook support group and asked to join. I am a timid new Padawan, resolutely remaining a pacifist which is problematic for my first Mission to slay FleshRaiders. My professor and his friend agree to meet “in game**”  We combine Skype with SWOR field work. We moved beyond the dilemma of “do I call you by your first name?” to “do I call you by your screen name?” which is a necessary protocol to anticipate.

Phystei and Peit respect my pacifism and forge through the field of Tython (nicely manicured lawns for a game realm) and slay Fleshraiders on my behalf which is how I acquire my first points. I dutifully take notes of their instructions creating a cheat-sheet to navigate when the scaffolding support of my professor is absent next time.

My initiation to games matches up to on the SAMR model. I am definitely in the “Redefinition” stage!



*game lingo*


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