10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague



SewLoved is a group of women across the country using social media as the makerspace for their community project. SewLoved crafts quilts as a surprise for children battling cancer. The quilts are delivered at a series of surprise events for children. These events are described at this link: http://www.eventbrite.com/o/the-portrait-project-courage-and-cancer-2581210876

The quilts reflect what children like. You will see quilts designed around basketball, minecraft, horses, and much more.

Through their closed group Facebook page, they discuss tools, patterns, designs, best fabrics. They use computers to create the designs, order fabric, and showcase their work. They share designs and ask each other for creative input, advice, etc…

Deb Reymundo, a friend of mine and a Pepperdine alum added me to the group when I told her about Linda’s class. The group gave permission for me to show you these photos which reflect their process.

All the awesome photos are collected in a blog post which is password protected to protect the surprise quotient of the project. I do not have any agency or talent to be a member of this group. I am just a note-taking observer. Please do not share these photos.

UPDATE 10-21-14: The members of SewLoved have graciously agreed to let me make this post public.


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