10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


STEM Ops PK- Grade 6


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Presentation Sources: http://www.scoop.it/t/common-core-and-math-instruction


Creating a Podcast with Audacity

Creating a Podcast With Audacity- Handout of Instructions

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Lesson Plan



Learning Technologies Podcast- Sept 10 – History Example

Learning Technologies Podcast- Sept 10 – History Example
Topic: World War II  Atlantic Wall



Podcast Transcript

Lily: Welcome to Emily and Lily’s Podcast!

Emily: Today’s topic is The Atlantic Wall from World War 2

Lily: The Atlantic Wall was a massive building effort ordered by Adolph Hitler. The “Atlantic Wall” spanned almost 2,000 miles, in Norway, along the Belgium and French coastline to the border with Spain. The Atlantic Wall contained 19 million tons of steel and concrete, minefields, all kinds of weaponry, and concrete bunkers for 300,000 soldiers. 260,000 workers, and, of course, all kinds of weaponry and minefields.

Emily: The Atlantic Wall was Germany’s defense from invasion along the western coast of Europe and Scandinavia against invasion of mainland Europe by Great Britain and the Allies of World War II. It was completed in May of 1943.

Lily: The Germans had highly experienced men, heavy infantry weapons, and powerful anti-tank capabilities to defend the Atlantic Wall. Germany assumed the attack would most likely occur in Normandy, France and they concentrated their efforts at this location. There was some controversy about the building of this wall as French construction companies were hired to build much of it, then after the war these same companies were hired to reconstruct the area or take it down. The construction workers were not prisoners and at first were able to go home on Sundays, but after the Battle of Stalingrad they were fenced into a work camp with barbed wire. Those working the wall were paid a minimal wage for the work they carried out.

Emily: The allies bombed the Germans’ occupied territories relentlessly, day and night. An invasion was eminent. In 1943 Field Marshal Erwin Rommel took over command of the Atlantic Wall construction.

Lily: Soon Rommel realized that he wasn’t going to prevent an invasion, but rather he needed to use the Atlantic Wall to prevent the Allied forces from gaining ground quickly during their invasion through Europe. So General Rommel built up a defense of over 6 million landmines and gun emplacements along roads away from beaches. Rommel set slanted poles with pointed tops to stop gliders and parachutists and did everything he could to defend the beaches.

Emily: Rommel’s realization was correct. The Allied forces did attack on June 6th, 1944 at the beaches of Normandy, France. This day was better known in history as D-Day or Operation Overlord.

Lily: General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the Commander of the Allied troops. More than 160,000 Allied troops landed at Normandy, France and breached the Atlantic Wall. More than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the invasion giving the Allies the foothold that German General Rommel feared. The Atlantic Wall was effective to some point as the cost to the Allies was high: over 9000 Allied casualties.  By nightfall of the first day, British, American, and Canadian infantry divisions forced Hilter’s troops to retreat.

Emily: The Atlantic Wall was built to stop an Allied attack on Nazi occupied Europe. Remnants of the Atlantic Wall still exist today although it has fallen into disrepair. Many structures have fallen into the ocean, some have been demolished, and others have been dismantled.

Lily: In recent years historians have begun movements to preserve the remaining structures in order to preserve the memory of what existed during World War II.

Emily: This has been “Emily and Lily’s Podcast.” Join us again next time!

Please leave a comment and let’s keep the discussion going.

(This podcast Created using Audacity) 
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Weekend Ed. Quote ~ September 8

We cannot spend the day in explanation ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Get out and smell the flowers this weekend!



More Weekend Ed. Quotes


Grandparents’ Day Sunday September 10 Has Tech Implications

This Sunday, September 10 is Grandparents’ Day!!

The role of grand-parenting has certainly changed in our history. Take a look at the statistics:

Did You Know:

Number of grandparents in the U.S.    70,000,000
Percent of U.S. households lead by grandparents    37 %
Percent of Grandparents that are the primary caregiver to their grandchildren    13 %
Percent of people who became a grandparent in their 50’s    43%
Percent of people who became a grandparent in their 40’s    37%

Also, perceptions of porches and rockers as the primary activity of grandparents are inaccurate. Consider these latest data findings:

Percent of grandparents who use the internet 75 %
Percent of grandparents who use search engines to find information 70 %
Percent of grandparents who shop online 63 %
Percent of grandparents who use Instant message 30 %
Percent of grandparents who share photos online 56 %
Percent of grandparents who bank online 46 %
Percent of grandparents who use a social network like Facebook or Twitter 45 %
Percent of grandparents who still have a full-time or part-time job 60 %
Percent of grandparents who have started their own business 23 %



Reaching new heights: 2% of grandparents have gone ski diving
Photo Source; MRama, 2015-2016 PGC/ACU Images of Aging Photo Contest


So, Sunday, be sure to call, text, or FB-wall Grannie and PaPa today to wish them Happy Grandparents’ Day!


Statistics Source


Happy Labor Day – Over 100 years of service

Happy Labor Day! As attention focuses on Labor Day today, this blogger is grateful for the service of these men with well over 100 years of national, state, local government, business, banking, and educational service.


From Left: Dr. Robert Hunter, Dr. William Teague, Stan Lambert, and Mayor Anthony Williams. Photo by Helen Teague



From Left: Dr. Robert Hunter, Former District 71 Texas State Representative, Dr. William Teague, ACU Chancellor Emeritus and previous U.S. presidential consultant, Stan Lambert, current Texas State Representative, District 71, and Mayor Anthony Williams, City of Abilene, Texas and Executive Community Relations officer for ACU’s Office of Advancement.


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ September 1

As a new month and a new school year begins, the words of George Washington ring true:

“Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.” ~George Washington





More Weekend Ed. Quotes


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