10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Participatory Spontaneity – Key Words

When observed, the engagement concept of Participatory Spontaneity resonates with the following key words:


The key that is the central concept for me is one I learned about over 30 years ago while in undergraduate courses.  My professor, Dr. Chantrey Fritts, emphasized the importance of Collegiality in teaching and learning. Collegiality is relational.

Collegiality is the relationship between colleagues (Link). Colleagues are those explicitly united in a common purpose and respecting each other’s abilities to work toward that purpose (Link).

Because of new media opportunities, our audience of colleagues grows beyond borders.


Additional Posts on Participatory Spontaneity


Teacher-Led Professional Development and TeachMeets Upcoming Session





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Tech BFF: Dotstorming- Vote in a New Poll

Dotstorming is such an innovative platform for participatory planning and authentic voice in learning experiences. Reminds me a bit of the Eboard platform from the burgeoning days of the Interwebs! Here is what a DotStorm board can look like, in its most minimalist form:


Try out Dotstorming by casting your Vote in my Dotstorming Poll.

Click this link: https://dotstorming.com/b/59d3dacfdb975afa05678399

Click on the “Add a Card” icon to cast your vote or vote on one of the choices already posted.

Want to learn more?

Here are a few tutorials for getting started and using Dotstorming:

From Brittany

From Michael

From Richard

Thank you to the Dotstorming creator, G. Marland!


Be Internet Awesome: Helping kids be safe, confident explorers of the online world.

Be Internet Awesome: Helping kids be safe, confident explorers of the online world.

This resource from Google is packed with curriculum, games that allow for hands-on practice, and even a pledge to teach students how to safely navigate the internet.

Here is the link: https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/
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