10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


My Summer Kindle Shelf: July

Moving my summer reading list to Kindle since the upcoming trip to India requires origami-style packing skills.

Here is my Kindle list so far… with 20+ hour fight(s) and also layovers, looks like I’ll also be using the Kindle Cloud Offline Reading feature.

Teague Kindle Shelf

Resources abound for #CurieMeetsCassatt –Read more posts at this link

What’s on Your Kindle Shelf?


Summer Reading List Videos from PBS Learning Media

Did you assign a summer reading list? Share these resource videos that can give your students an overview of a book that could be on their required summer reading list! These videos contextualize books in an up-to-date way that can help students understand the premise of the novels.   Explore the Collection at this link: https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/crash-course-literature/PBSLearningMediaSummerReadingVideos.png



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