10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Changing Your Profile Photo in Canvas

Hi Online Learners in PBSRDLA 235!

Great to talk with you by phone/Skype/email yesterday and today!

Need Help to Add Your Profile Picture in Canvas?

Watch this little Loom Video: https://www.loom.com/share/a3c9a46a8ae74ca8947f577f4e812078

(Note: The video does not have narration.)

Teague Loom Vid Cover Image



Teaching LifeLong Reading Habits Features Lisa Bu

There is still time to register and join us!


Listen to the TED Talk Podcast Audio:


Please visit the PBS TeacherLine Catalog to sign up for our course!


PD by the Pool! (or the park, porch, playground…)



Link to the Complete PBS Course Catalog: http://www.pbs.org/teacherline/catalog/




Summer PD with PBS Teachers!!




Link to the Complete PBS Course Catalog: http://www.pbs.org/teacherline/catalog/




Upcoming Webinar with EdWeb – Building a Schoolwide Culture of Reading – April 24

Upcoming Webinar with EdWeb – Building a Schoolwide Culture of Reading –  April 24


#PBSReaders4Life  / #EdWebinar


Upcoming Webinar with EdWeb – Our Webinar – How Early Literacy Impacts Reading to Learn

Upcoming Webinar with EdWeb – How Early Literacy Impacts Reading to Learn



Live Tweeting During Upcoming Literacy Webinar


EdWeb Early Literacy Webinar — Join Me

Please join my colleague Dr. Joyce King and me for our EdWeb Webinar, “How Early Literacy Impacts Reading to Learn: Research, Strategies, and Digital Tools.

April 10, 2019- 4:00pm -5:00pm EDT

Click on this link for your free webinar registration: https://home.edweb.net/webinar/literacy20190410/ 


Nerd Research Minute February, 2019: Research-based support for doodling as an imprint for reading comprehension

BookClockResearch-based support for doodling as an imprint for reading comprehension

Encouraging students to journal and doodle while they read is an excellent way to strengthen comprehension (Durkin, 1978; Karten, 2017; Schott, 2011).

Research support new ways of applying what students do while they read with avenues for future instructional activities.

Journaling/Doodling/Mindmapping is a wonderful modification for students with dyslexia and/or ADD/ADHD, or those students whose reading fluency is slower.

One student in one of the high school classes I taught was very sensitive to activity, movement, changes in routine, and changes in voice. Taking notes required too much channeling of energy so we came up with the idea of doodling and mindmapping his notes. His parents were astounded at the transformation in his calmer energy level and ability to retain comprehend what he read.

Also, among the older adults I work with who have survived a stroke, doodling and visual representation of their thoughts has been described by them as “nurturing” and “like a vacation.” In addition to our course reasources, much additional research points to these same effects and I have cited three of my favorites. (Durkin, 1978; Karten, 2017; Schott, 2011).

So, build in some doodling time this week or at least before Spring Break!





Durkin, D. (1978). What classroom observations reveal about reading comprehension instruction. Center for the Study of Reading, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Available online at this link: https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/17858/ctrstreadtechrepv01978i00106_opt.pdf?sequence=1 

Karten, N. (2017). Doodle your way to improved focus and concentration. TechWell. Available online at this link:

Schott, G.D. (2011). Doodling and the default network of the brain. The Lancett. VOLUME 378, ISSUE 9797P1133-1134. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61496-7




More Nerd Research Minutes


Our PBS Course Has Ended: Now What?

Our  PBS course concluded last night and, even after 12 years of course facilitation, I miss you all.

Here, I make my pitch for dedicated educators, parents (and especially parents who are educators!) to get very involved in your local school politics. The school board, the local teacher representation board, the local PTA are excellent ways to navigate your local education system and provide your expertise.

All: please consider yourself nominated by me, for your next level of educational service!!

Dr. T 🙂





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