10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Nerd Research Minute – June 27 – Student Engagement

Continuing the Emphasis on Student Engagement:

“How do I engage with my students?” remains one of the top questions from faculty from K-13+.  Whether they learn online or onsite, aengaged student is more likely to internalize content and persist in their learning (Chen, Guidry, & Lambert, 2009).

In Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, Chickering and Gamson (1987) detail education should promote 1. student-faculty interaction
2. cooperation among students
3. active learning
4. prompt feedback
5. time on task
6. high expectations
7. respect for diverse talents and ways of learning



Chen, P. D., Guidry, K. R., & Lambert, A. D. (2009). Engaging online learners: A quantitative study of post-secondary student engagement in the online learning environment. In annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. A pdf is available at Google Scholar

Chickering, A. W., & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. AAHE Bulletin, 39(7), 3-7.




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Nerd Research Minute – May 21 – Metamemory Frameworks for Online Learning

Dr. Ed Sim is a professor extraordinaire! His online courses are saturated with student views, comments, discussion insights, and participation. Dr. Sim credits Nelson & Narens’ (1990) metamemory* framework for the extensive interactivity and effective learning activities in his online classes.  Thank you, Dr. Sim, for sharing the following learning artifact.

From Dr. Ed. Sim

Figure 1: Received from Dr. Ed Sim


Definition: Metamemory or Socratic awareness, a type of metacognition, is both the introspective knowledge of one’s own memory capabilities (and strategies that can aid memory) and the processes involved in memory self-monitoring. This self-awareness of memory has important implications for how people learn and use memories.


Nelson, T. O., Narens, L., & Bower, G. (1990). The psychology of learning and motivation. Metamemory: A theoretical framework and new findings.

Jameson, K. A., Narens, L., Goldfarb, K., & Nelson, T. O. (1990). The influence of near-threshold priming on metamemory and recall. Acta Psychologica73(1), 55-68. (pdf available from Academia)



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