10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Tech B.F.F.~Free Screen Recorder Software

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Free Screen Recorder Software



BFF is an acronym for “Best Friend Forever.” These websites and tips are so good that they will become your technology BFFs!

Click here to see More Tech B.F.F.’s


Tech B.F.F.~Slides Online Presentation Creation Tool

BFF is an acronym for “Best Friend Forever.” These websites and tips are so good that they will become your technology BFFs!

Slid.es is a useful tool for creating and sharing ad-hoc presentations in an office, school PLN, or for student group work during class. If used during class, then this fun, presentation creation site exemplifies student-led instruction. It also has a working offline feature so it is not limited to connectivity. Slideshows are referred to as “decks” in the nomenclature of Slid.es

I would recommend creating a class account that students, working individually or in pairs/groups could access, instead of students creating their own accounts. There is also an option to create an account by linking through Facebook or Google, but I chose to create a free, stand-alone account. Pictures can be uploaded and completed decks can be shared by link or embed code.

Possible Classroom Uses: (Please leave a comment to add additional ideas)

1.) Short, topic presentations as a culminating activity

2.) Create a classroom procedures presentation to play as students enter during the first week or school and then for Parents at Open House

3.) Create a story web, where the teacher begins the web with an inviting phrase, such as “It was a dark and stormy night” and students add a slide extending the previous phrase and adding a thematic element or adding a “choose your own ending” slide

4.) Use Slides for a quick “check for understanding” quiz or Warm-Up activity

5.) Create slides for ESL or bilingual classrooms to introduce or review vocabulary

Here is a sample: http://slid.es/teague/educational-quotes

More Tech B.F.F.s

Slid.es Mentioned on my ScoopIt board called “Lurk No Longer”

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