10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


An Example of Constructionist Learning in Online Environments


GCU TEC-516 Insights

As our GCU Graduate Course in Instructional Theories and Models in Technology Education comes to a close, here are some of Insights Tweets from this term. The Class Hashtag is #GCUTEC516 and the teacher’s names have aliases.

#GCUTEC516 Insight TeacherR-“It’s amazing how much collaboration helps…when developing lessons & learning techniques/strategies/resources-a good practice to implement in the classroom too- Student collaboration is just as beneficial to their education & learning environment”

#GCUTEC516 TeacherJ Insight-“Education & learning environments benefit from positive online collaboration-It’s amazing in promoting learning-Ss/Ts alike should participate in collaboration-it’s crucial for life-long learners.”

#GCUTEC516 TeacherT Insight- [Our new superintendent] ”gave everyone a ‘district’ hashtag to use and one specific for each school. He was our first superintendent in 20 years that understood and embraced technology. Now, I can’t imagine a life without Twitter.”    

#GCUTEC516 TeacherC Insight-“Giving students resources, such as Digital Citizenship Resources for the Home from Common Sense Media & having them look over the information w/ parents…will let them know the importance of creating safe environments & interactions on the internet.” 

#GCUTEC516 TeacherE Insight-”Model digital citizenship online w/both an experiential & proactive approach w/students (Davis, 2017)- Proactively teaching digital citizenship provides students w/skills to handle situations that occur commonly w/tech or in digital environment.” 

#GCUTEC516 TeacherV Insight- “Just like any other skill we teach in class, we must make sure that our students are explicitly taught foundational digital citizenship skills. Not only must they be taught in class but teachers must lead by example and model these behaviors.”

#GCUTEC516 TeacherM Insight- “Heick (2019) also makes some really good comparisons between digital citizenship as well as regular citizenship and how they both correlate.”  

#GCUTEC516 TeacherL2 Insight- TeacherL Insight-“According to Heick (2019) the big idea is ‘treating people, places & spaces w/respect.’ As educators, we establish rules, guidelines, social contracts & norms in our classrooms & schools to ensure that teachers/colleagues/students practice respect.”

#GCUTEC516 TeacherL4 Insight- “As most teachers know, lessons don’t always go as planned-something unexpected always seems to come up & present challenges. However, w/ proper assessment & evaluation of instructional practices, changes can be made to instruction to address & overcome challenges.  

#GCUTEC516 TeacherK2 Insight- “Puentedura’s SAMR Model offers different levels of technology inclusion-Because there’s different levels in this model, I can start at a lower level & then progress as I want to include technology into my daily lessons.”

#GCUTEC516 TeacherL3 Insight- “Prior knowledge is so important in a young learners world; it is the basis for everything they will soon learn. Prior knowledge is the starting point for their learning & without it they would have a hard time guiding their own learning (Lucks, 1999).”

#GCUTEC516 TeacherB1 Insight- “The constructivist model can be very useful for Ss to become owners of their learning by activating prior knowledge. We always have to expose our Ss to how what they’re learning can be used in the real-world, it’s all about making connections.” 

#GCUTEC516 TeacherT3 Insight- “Teachers should be good role models. If we do something the right way, our students are more likely to follow our behavior. It is important that we keep showing by example throughout the year. This can be by explaining as well as reminders.” 

#GCUTEC516 TeacherL1 Insight- “[Instructional] coaches must be able to adapt/model a positive attitude-They should embrace new programs & tech & willingly implement them in their instruction-Adaptability is an essential quality of not only instructional coaches but also educators”  

#GCUTEC516 TeacherT2 Insight- “We want [to] set a good example for our students so they are aware of how to use others work correctly. Teaching students how to cite sources correctly will keep them on the right track.”  

#GCUTEC516 TeacherA Insight- “Helping [peer teachers] identify better [ethical technology practices] builds a level of trust with your peers that you did not have. It also ensures that the students will learn the right way.” 

#GCUTEC516 TeacherB2 Insight- “As tech coach, I want to motivate & encourage teachers to use tech to help our students. Today’s students are entering a world of unknown opportunities/challenges/pitfalls–tech is a big part of these opportunities (Moreillon & Fontichiaro, 2008).”    

#GCUTEC516 TeacherI Insight- “Interestingly people often think that because it’s an electronic that  teens will automatically like it. It still has to be relevant and meaningful to them.” 

#GCUTEC516 TeacherK1 Insight- “The easiest way to identify comfort level and interest of tech w/ a peer in my district is through simple conversation & observation. It’s important to recognize that tech can be used to transform teaching & learning but requires Ts to continue learning new tech  (King, 2003). 

#GCUTEC516 TeacherD Insight-“It’s the responsibility of educators to try & keep up w/ anything that potentially benefits students-Keeping up w/ every new program or new gizmo may not be realistic but once an item has been proven to be educationally useful Ts should learn more about it”

#GCUTEC516 TeacherK3 Insight-“Before we begin using computers, I want to teach my students about Digital Citizenship. It’s such a coincidence that [GCUTEC516 covered] Digital Citizenship at the same time as I am thinking about my Digital Citizenship lessons for my students!” 


Here’s a some video trail advice for TEC-516 teacher learners

Hi All: Here’s a some video trail advice for you regarding the Week 2 Teacher Scenarios Assignment…


Assessment – Key Concepts for BUS-435 Part 2

Continuing the theme of Assessment from BUS-435:  Educator Kristin Nannini addresses formative and summative assessment in the context of a blog post on exit tickets. She created and posted this engaging infographic on formative and summative assessment. Visit Kristine Nannini’s blog, “Young Teacher Love,” for additional resources on many more educational topics!


Image Source: Nannini, K. (2017, June). How to Completely Transform Your Teaching with Exit Tickets.
Blog Post. Available online at this link: https://youngteacherlove.com/exit-tickets-formative-assessments-math/ 


Assessment – Key Concepts for BUS-435 Part 1

Assessment is such an overarching concept. Regardless of the subject matter (Business Ed, English, Foreign Language, etc…) assessment will be a key component of the student’s and teacher’s experience.

So it is very important to get firmly grounded in the types of assessment, especially the difference between formative and summative assessment.

Key Concept: The first big difference is when the assessment takes place in a student’s learning process. Formative assessment/evaluation is an ongoing activity. Formative assessment/evaluation takes place during the learning process.

Summative assessment/evaluation takes place at the end of an instructional segment (concept, unit, semester, course).


Your resources for the week do an excellent deep dive on assessment so read/reread/bookmark them.

Please post questions/needs for clarification to the “Questions” forum.


Image Source: Couros, G. (2015, November 23). Do we imply finality in the term “summative assessment”? Blog Post. Available online at this link: https://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/5812




Learning, Coaching, and Laying the Track

As We Close Our Final Day of our Final Week

“With one exception, every single writer I met likened writing for television to one thing–laying track for an oncoming speeding train. The story is the track and you gotta keep laying it down because of the train. That train is production. You keep writing, you keep laying track down, no matter what, because the train of production is coming toward you- no matter what.” ~Shonda Rhimes, Year of Yes, pp. xiii.

Tech coaches liken coaching their colleagues to laying track for an oncoming speeding train. Learning is the track and you gotta keep laying it down because of the train. That train is the school year and the students. You keep learning and coaching, you keep laying track down, no matter what, because the train of the school year and the students are coming toward you-no matter what.

 ~Adapted from Shonda Rhimes, Year of Yes, pp. xiii.

In this last discussion forum, you continued your peer support and collegiality continues. Now, at the close of the course, we are at the perpetuation and sustainability level of our PLN (Groundwater-Smith & Mockler, 2012). We are laying track for the future.

You are busy, busy tonight with so many things. But in the next day or so, please consider clicking in and returning to class. Please click over to the Class Wall, where you began our course. Scan/read the introductions we all posted there. Take just a couple of minutes to read/reread the service-oriented intros of your course colleagues. You might not have visited the Class Wall in almost six weeks, but please return there and scroll through the messages of the members of our class PLN.

It has been a privilege to learn with you… please keep in touch as you keep laying track!!

Dr. Teague



Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2012). Sustaining professional learning networks: The Australasian challenge. In C. Day (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Teacher and School Development (pp. 506–515), London: Routledge.



Digital-Age Best Practices


Read the Latest Research

Digital Age Best Practices – ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/…/3+Digital+Age+Best+Practices.pdf

TEC544Week53DigitalAgeBestPractices (2)-1s34y3j



GCU TEC-544 – Course Closing Checklist




Enduring Value In Online Courses & Beyond!

For our Students in Online & F2F courses, (such as those offered by PBS TeacherLine and GCU) subuilding enduring knowledge structures together provides collaborative value & deeper learning (McTighe & Willis, 2019; Papert & Harel, 1991).

Here’s how:

In resource share assignments, after posting in the LMS, invite students to also copy/paste their resources to a Class Community document (GDoc/Slides/Sheets, etc…).

At the end of the assignment, for students have co-constructed a comprehensive learning artifact of all their collaborative shares for enduring value and use in their current/future professional practice.

GCU Tweet Contest


Check out our latest enduring value share: https://tinyurl.com/TEC544Us


@GCU_FacultyDev #FABSpringIntoSummer



Nehemiah- Example of Public Domain Photo

Hi Scholars!! As we continue our discussion of Digital Citizenship, we address the use of images for digital communication, lessons, presentations, etc…

Please look at the image below. Then, consider the question and resources listed after it.

Image Caption: Gustave DoréNehemiah Views the Ruins of Jerusalem’s Walls, 1866.

Questions: What does proper image attribution have to do with Digital Citizenship?

Why is this image labeled as “Public Domain”?

Details from Wikipedia at this link:

Need a Hint? Click here

Looking forward to discussing this in our Google Meet!




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