10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ August 24

“too slow, too big, pretty, and touchy-feely”  ~the 2007 description of the iPhone, Time Magazine’s Invention of the Year for 2007


Not all impressions are accurate (kinda applies to the engaged classroom through the eyes of outsiders).







iPhone turns 10!


The iPhone roll-out began ten years ago in June, 2007. Here is a fun Wired post:


and a cool iPhone retrospective video: https://youtu.be/Yi9RElWqixA

Little stock fact: if “one” had purchased Apple stock in 2007, your purchase would have increased 750%, according to Cult of Mac: https://www.cultofmac.com/424259/what-a-1000-investment-in-apple-in-1996-looks-like-today/.  

What is your favorite iPhone moment or iPhone feature or moment?

My Favorite iPhone moment / feature is…  



Happy Birthday iTunes and iPhone

On January 9, 2001 Apple Computer introduced iTunes! Since then, 10 billion tracks of digital songs, programs, and speeches have been downloaded from the iTunes store. On January 9, 2007, Apple unveiled the iPhone. Soon after,  iPhone “apps” took over and calling mom has never been quite the same! There are now more than 1,000,000 iPhone apps, with 60 billion downloads — helping people learn language, video chat, exercise, write, create, and much more!

happy birthday



Happy Birthday iTunes and iPhone!

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