10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ July 29

“What is life, if not the sum of a hundred thousand daily battles and tiny decisions to either gut it out or give it up? This moment when you don’t feel like doing the work? This is not a moment to be thrown away. This is not a dress rehearsal. This moment is your life as much as any other moment. Spend it in a way that will make you proud.”

~ James Clear on the idea of ”Giving Up”

Happy Friday




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Weekend Ed. Quote ~ July 22

“While it is critical that all children receive the support necessary to read at least at grade level, students who have achieved this goal must be challenged  to continue developing advanced proficiencies. We would be remiss if we failed to make appropriate provisions to at-risk readers. We are equally remiss if we do not offer appropriate instructional differences that respond to the needs of gifted learners”
~Dr. Bertie Kingore, 2002, p. 12

ReRead From BookRiot





Kingore, B. (2002). Reading instruction for the primary gifted learner. Understanding Our Gifted, 12–15.






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Animated Word Cloud Comparisons

Animated word clouds add interest to instructional practices in the school and workplace. Using word clouds to compare and contrast ideas. Populate a word cloud generator with text either, transcribed from spoken discussions or copied from written online discussion boards.  Add animation for interesting effects. Students can analyze various word clouds for the similarities and differences of perspective and summation. Older students can create and produce the word clouds.

This word cloud represents the discussion of 29 graduate students, learning online from three different states. MonkeyLearn was used for the initial word cloud instruction. PicMonkey was used for animation, layout, effects, captioning, and gif file creation.




Weekend Ed. Quote ~ July 15

“Multimedia technology empowers the educational process by means of increased interaction between teachers and the students.” ~A. Balu

Multimedia Tech





Balu, A. (2020). Contribution of Multimedia Technology in Education. Editorial Board, 9(2), 127.



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Weekend Ed. Quote ~ July 8

Even though you may work many hours both day and night with added stress, the risk of stepping into higher education leadership may be worth it because you have a chance to influence decisions on important issues more broadly, have increased travel opportunities to learn, and you are often paid more for this change in lifestyle and responsibilities.”  ~ Dorothy Campbell, from Campbell’s Tips for Educational Leadership

Leadership Blocks



Campbell, D. I. (2021). Leadership Advancement: Moving Up and Moving Over.  https://www.higheredjobs.com/articles/articleDisplay.cfm?ID=2700 




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Creating a Class Recipe Infographic with Piktochart!




Weekend Ed. Quote ~ July 1

We in this country, in this generation, are – by destiny rather than choice – the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of peace on earth, goodwill toward men…“That must always be our goal – and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength. For as was written long ago, ‘Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.’”

~ President John F. Kennedy, from a speech not delivered, November 22, 1963






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