Dr. Helen Teague’s Published Papers, PD Presentations, and Apps
(ordered by year)
w Conference Presentation. Peace at the Center: 10 Peaceful Leadership Practices You are Already Doing and Ten More to Try. GPLEC, Seward, Nebraska. October, 2023.
w Editorial Review Board- Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR)
w Canyon Center for Character Education. Vision and Mission Framework Collaboration Framework Board.
w Redesigning the Creative Education with EdTech. Ending Keynote: Council of Creative Education (CCE). (April, 2022). 9th International Symposium on Creative Education
w The Concept of “Little c Creativity.” Conference Presentation. Council of Creative Education (CCE). (April, 2022). 9th International Symposium on Creative Education 9th-International-Symposium-on-Creative-Education-at-a-glance-1650279517 p. 36.
w Blankenship, R., Ali, S., & Teague, H. (2021). Definition. In L. Ebersole, T. S. Foulger, Y. Jin, & D. Mourlam (Eds.), Technological pedagogical content knowledge [Wikipedia page]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_pedagogical_content_knowledge
w Wikipedia Team revision of the TPACK technology Framework (October, 2020 – June 2021).
Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education (SITE) TPACK special interest group (SIG). ‘https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Technological_pedagogical_content_knowledge
w STEM/STEAM Graduate Course Writer/Subject Matter Expert. Concordia University, Nebraska.Subject Matter Expert. w w Grand Canyon Education. Graduate Courses Revision.
w Creativity in STEM/STEAM & Engineering: Curie Meets Cassatt: Linking STEM & STEAM through the Engineering Design Process. Dr. Helen Teague, (2019, July 20). International Symposium on Developing Schools Creativity. Hyderabad, India.
w Creativity in International Schools: Current Trends in School-based Creativity Initiatives. Second Keynote. Dr. Helen Teague, (2019, July 19). International Symposium on Developing Schools Creativity in Schools. Hyderabad, India.
w Literacy, STEAM/STEM: How Early Literacy Impacts Reading to Learn. Dr. Helen Teague & Dr. Joyce King, (2019, April 10). EdWeb and PBS TeacherLine Webinar. PBS Video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDk1D2gd6NY
Webinar recording: https://home.edweb.net/webinar/literacy20190410/
w Subject Matter Expert. Grand Canyon Education. Graduate Courses Revision.
w STEM/STEAM Graduate Course Writer/Subject Matter Expert. Concordia University, Nebraska.
w Digital Storytelling: Harnessing Imagination through Digital Storytelling in the History and Science Classrooms. Teague, H. & Wildman, A. (2018 November). CCE Finland, 6th Annual Symposium, Tampere, Finland. November, 2018.
w Educational Professional Development K-12 Teacher-Led Conferences: TeachMeets & EdCamps. Teague, H. (2018 and 2017). Texas ESC Region One.
w Educational Leadership: Assessment Across Global Schools. Teague, H. (2018, November). Panel Discussion. CCE Finland, 6th Annual Symposium, Tampere, Finland.
w Technology Integration: We’ve Moodled over to Canvas: PBS Faculty Tell What Works. Teague, H. (2018, July). InstructureCarn Conference, Keystone, CO. Accepted for Presentation
w Online Learning/Mobile Learning: Participatory Spontaneity: What Is It and How Can We Achieve It with Global Audiences Online? Teague, H. (2017, November). Global Education Conference: globaleducationconference.com/
w Differentiation for Diverse Populations. K-12 Differentiated Instruction with SAMR. Teague, H. (January/August, 2017 and 2016). Santa Fe Public Schools, NM
w Sociology: Intergenerational Town Hall Meeting as a Learning Experience for University Students. Teague, H. (Lead Presenter) and Hudson, N. (2017, April). Southwest Social Science Conference, Austin, Texas.
w Curriculum & Instruction: Flipped Classrooms STEM Science & Flipped Classrooms Go Global & Mobile. Teague, H. & Hamilton, E. (2017, February). Texas Computer Educator Association Convention (TCEA), Austin, Texas.
w Digital Storytelling, Mobile & Global: Digital Storytelling–Can You Tell a Story in six seconds? Bring your phone and learn how! Teague, H. (2017, January). 3rd International Conference on Mobile Technology in Teacher Education (MiTE), Los Angeles, CA. Link: https://mite2017.sched.com/directory/speakers
w Digital Storytelling, Mobile Learning: Please do NOT silence your cell phones: A study on online, mobile learning and TPaCK (2017, January). 3rd International Conference on Mobile Technology in Teacher Education (MiTE), Los Angeles, CA. Link: https://mite2017.sched.com/directory/speaker
w NSF STEM for All Video Showcase, Co-presenter. A cyber-ensemble of inversion, immersion, collaborative workspaces, query and meaning-making. Deb Chittur, Hiroo Kato, Helen Teague. https://stemforall2016.videohall.com/presentations/822
w Online Learning: Online Course Facilitators Describe What Works in Learner-Centered Feedback. Teague, H. et al. (2016, November). E-Learn 2016-World Conference on E-Learning, Washington, DC.
w Gerontology/Social Work: Pedagogy, and Blended Learning Produce an Intergenerational Town Hall Meeting. Teague, H. (2016, November) E-Learn 2016-World Conference on E-Learning, Washington, DC.
w Simulations/AR/VR: Simulations Webinar. Teague, H. (2016, October). James Cook University. Townsville, Queensland, Australia
w Digital Storytelling: Intergenerational Digital Storytelling Goes Virtual, Mobile and Global. Teague, H. (2016, June). Pepperdine University GSEP Research Symposium, West Los Angeles, CA.
w Gerontology/Social Work: Intergenerational Digital Storytelling Goes Global and Mobile: The Images of Aging Photo Contest. Teague, H. (2016, April). Global Learn Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
w Gerontology/Social Work: Social Justice Through Simulation: Blended Learning for Intergenerational Studies. Teague, H. (2016, April). Global Learn Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
w STEAM/STEM Integration: Makerspaces The MakeCamp Pilot Option for Professional Development: Sociocultural Sustainable Innovation. Teague, H. (2016, March). SITE Conference: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Savannah, GA.
w Research Assistant, Teachers Create. Reseach website. (2014- 2017, 2018). https://web.archive.org/web/20141128075019/http://www.teacherscreate.org/projects/about/meet-our-team/
Google Scholar Page Link
Research Gate Page Link
PUBLICATIONS- Represented by Category
Dissertation and Capstone
Curriculum and Instruction
- Hamilton, Eric, Sarmonpal, S., Garff, T., Glazer, K., Holt, A., Kato, H. Samuels, J., Teague, H., & Welch, K. (2015). Collaborative Media-Making as Agent for Identity and Learning. http://www.isls.org/cscl2015/papers/MC-0394-Poster-Hamilton.pdf
- Teague, H., Kato, H., & Chittur, D. (2016, March). Student Engagement during Pen-based Media Making Projects: Constructing in Constructivist/Constructionist Classrooms. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. vol. 2016, no. 1, pp. 2585- 2590. 2016. http://www.learntechlib.org/p/172045/
- Teague, H. (2008). Using Assessment Data to Enhance Your Reading Program.” Connected Newsletter. March, 2008:14. http://www.oops.bizland.com/UsingAssessmentDatatoEnhanceReadingMar08[1].pdf
- Hamilton, E., Kato, H., Welch, K., Sarmonpal, S., Garff, T., Teague, H., Holt, A., Foe-Aman, G., Foe-Aman, L., Ateng’Ogwel, J.C. & Cemastea, K. (2015). Maker Movement in Formal Education: Workshop for Research Design, Practices, and Technologies. Retrieved from https://www.isls.org/cscl2015/papers/1214-Workshop-Kato.pdf
- Teague, H. (2016, March). The MakeCamp Pilot Option for Professional Development: Sociocultural Sustainable Innovation. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, (2016)1, 2375-2380. http://www.learntechlib.org/p/172026/
Mathematics Education
- Best Practices in Student Engagement: Pen-based Media Making Projects in the Constructionist Classroom. (2016, March) SITE Conference: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.
- Hamilton, E., Kato, H., Welch, K., Sarmonpal, S., Garff, T., Teague, H., Holt, A., Foe-Aman, G., Foe-Aman, L., AtengOgwel, J.C. & Cemastea, K. (2015). Maker Movement in Formal Education: Workshop for Research Design, Practices, and Technologies.
- Teague, H., Kato, H., & Chittur, D. (2016, March). Student Engagement during Pen-based Media Making Projects:Constructing in Constructivist/Constructionist Classrooms. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. vol. 2016, no. 1, pp. 2585- 2590. http://www.learntechlib.org/p/172045/
Mobile Learning
- Dissertation: Teague, H. L. (2017). A Mixed Methods Study of Online Course Facilitators’ Perceptions of Mobile Technology, Design, and TPaCK Affordances. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway, PO Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Retrieved from Available online at Research Gate: http://goo.gl/Wdp9CU and https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED576873
Pedagogy and Relationship Architecture
- Teague, H., Pruett, C., Kyker, C., Bryan, A. (2016). Civic Participation, Public Sphere Pedagogy, and Blended Learning. In Proceedings AACE E-Learn 2016 Conference, Washington, D.C., http://www.editlib.org/p/174017/
- Teague, H., Pruett, C.D., Wee, Loo Kang, (2016). Social Justice Through Simulation: Blended Learning for Intergenerational Studies. In Proceedings AACE Global Learn Conference, Limerick, Ireland. https://www.editlib.org/p/172754/ http://www.learntechlib.org/fromc/49269 Teague, H., Pruett, C.D. (2016).
- Teague, H. (2016). Intergenerational Digital Storytelling Goes Global and Mobile: The Images of Aging Photo contest. In Proceedings of AACE Global Learn Conference, Limerick, Ireland. http://www.learntechlib.org/fromc/49290
Technology Integration
Content Writing Sample
LinkedIn Page: Link
Blog: Teague’s Tech Treks Link
Website: Our Overnight Planning System
Page Created: August 17, 2018 Last Update: January 10, 2024