10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Saving Resources in Offline Format

Such a hassle to have an integrated lesson ready and then…bam!!!…the internet is down!


One way to mitigate the damages (and keep your head from going through the wall) is to save resources in offline format:


Say you find a great resource on the Library of Congress relating to Thomas Jefferson’s library. The link for this exhibit is:



To save this link in offline format for you and students’ to access in case of the dreaded outage, go to the Internet Explorer browser and access the link.

Choose the File menu and the Save As command.

You can chose the “Edit in Microsoft Word” option or the “Save As” option.

Save the file as a “single file.”

save in offline format


Doing this will create a file with the extension .mht.  Save any important lesson files in this way. Or choose the “Edit with Microsoft Word” option and dump all the information into a Word file and save. I do this will my online course content files, and…this post!

You can take this file and access it on your hard drive or a USB drive. I like to keep a separate bookmark folder for preserved links, one for each course or topic I teach.

This seems to work only for the Internet Explorer browser.

Because I have “Lesson Resource Loss Paranoia,” I have also printed webpages using transparency film to project on the overhead. When my classroom entered the 21st century, I printed the main page of websites and had them ready for projection on the document camera.

These methods are not a 100% insurance fool-proof option, but like Dove soap, it will help with 99.4% of potential internet outage mishaps.



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