8-Great Pinterest Ideas I have not seen in any articles

If you have not heard of Pinterest it is picture curation social hub that has everything you never knew you always wanted to know about anything! It’s kinda like fantasy football for me! You “pin” pictures from the web or from your computer and organize them in segments called boards. It is still invite only, so email me if you would like a faster track to the invitation process.


a few of my Pinterest Boards

A few of my Pinterest Boards


Unfortunately, I must confess that during the holidays I became addicted to Pinterest. I think the official term is that I became a Pinterestible Pinner! My favorite idea is to create a board with pictures to use for writing prompts. I used to lug around portfolios full of writing prompt pictures —this is so much easier on my backpack. Here is a good board with ideas for writing prompts, scroll down for one interesting pin on inference: http://pinterest.com/selsmith479/writing-picture-prompts/

8 great ideas on using Pinterest that I have not seen in any articles:

  1. Make sure that the board link you find at home will work on your school/classroom machine. School filters can be tricky.
  2. If students will be using/accessing a board in independent work, just Bookmark/Favorite just the board link on their machines, not the entire Pinner’s gallery. And please remember to have a Plan B/Backup plan as Pinterest access sometimes is hiccuppy.
  3. For easier access, create a separate Folder to hold your Pin resources on your computer and/or lab computers
  4. If you use the embed code provided for individual pins, be sure to check the picture sizing first. And for Moodle users, be sure to add the close page element < /p > at the end of the coding so your whole Moodle page doesn’t go all wonkified.
  5. Also for Moodle users, the original pinners’ board is embedded into the coding so please check the origins of the board in case of inappropriate content. Pinterest says that they monitor inappropriate content but a click of prevention…     Another option is to create your own boards and then the link code will reflect your content. (Again, if you would like to speed up the invite process, email me.)
  6. When setting up your account, remember that some school email accounts will block messages from third parties such as Pinterest. You may want to set up a specific email account specifically to use for online adventures. And, set up a separate folder for your Pinterest correspondence in your email account. This will help enormously with organization.
  7. If you have a website or blog, include it in your Profile to share your other non-Pinterest ideas
  8. If you are open to idea contributions for your board, add the email address you created in #6 to  the description line of your boards. Something along the lines of “Email me at _____ if you would like to contribute a pin. Please include ____________(pin board name) in your subject line.”


Share the Love….if you see a board/pin that you like, leave a comment for the teacher curator. Compliments are as rare these days as dollar-a-gallon gasoline…

Happy Pinning!

Follow Me on Pinterest



Check out these links for Further Review:

Copyright Considerations for Pinterest

5 Power Pinners You Should Follow


30 Inspiring Pins for Teachers