10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ February 26

“I’ve learned to balance my personal and professional lives like a nurse triaging emergency patients: by determining which role requires my attention right now. Borrowing an analogy from author James Patterson, I imagine that I am juggling a set of balls representing work, family, friends, and spirit. Each ball is made of either rubber or glass, and the material changes with the circumstances. If I drop a rubber ball, it bounces back. However, a fumbled glass ball may chip or even shatter. The trick is knowing when a ball is rubber and when it’s glass.” ~ Emma White, The Art of Triage




White, E. ( 2017, August 11). The Art of Triage. Science Mag. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/357/6351/618


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Access Twitter and Start Learning – Gwen Best

Last night, at our “Tuesday Twenty” Google Meet, our guest expert Gwendolyn Best shared an informative infographic addressing social media integration.

She kindly provided the shared file and here it is: @ilovechalkdust_Twitter_OnePager


Thanks again, Gwen!



Graduate Class Google Meet ~ with Special Guest Gwendolyn Best

Digital Media expert Gwendolyn Best will share effective practices with instructional use of social media grad students and teachers Tuesday night, February 23rd!! Gwen tweets from @ilovechalkdust




See Archive of selected Google Meets



Weekend Ed. Quote ~ February 19

“Someone wrote, ‘But first, be aware of the energy in the room.’ This is an attribute that can be cultivated with practice and intention. Feelings and emotions are contagious and provide us with so much needed information.” ~ Michael McKnight






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Weekend Ed. Quote ~ February 12

“It is no great secret to anyone that without work, without education, and without hope, people get into trouble… They get into destructive activity or self-destructive activity.”              ~ Senator Bernie Sanders





Russell, J. (2015, July 8). Sanders says government jobs can solve the school to prison pipeline. Washington Examiner. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/sanders-says-government-jobs-can-help-stop-the-school-to-prison-pipeline



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Media Literacy Musings made with FlipSnack

Media Literacy Musings Teague_ 1

Link to this FlipSnack: https://www.flipsnack.com/DrTeague/media-literacy-musings-1.html 


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ February 5






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