10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ July 15

“Any psychological process, whether the development of thought or voluntary behavior, is a process, whether the development of thought or voluntary behavior, is a process undergoing changes irht before one’s eyes. The development in question can be limited to only a few second, or even fractions of second. It can also last many days or even weeks. Under certain conditions, it becomes possible to trace this development.” ~Lev Vygotsky, 1978, Mind in Society, p. 61.



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Weekend Ed. Quote~April 12

If one changes the tools of thinking available to a child, his mind will have a radically different structure. ~Lev Vygotsky, Mind in Society

tools of thinking


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Vygotsky View Part 2

Vygotsky addressed the importance of practical actions and repetition in language acquisition with children. To paraphrase Vygotsky, “Repeated Actions Matter.” (p.22.)  

It bears repeating that “Repeated Actions Matter.” Routine matters. Scheduling matters. Stephenson wrote “Power comes when you make life predictable.” In a other situations where the brain is healing from an attack (or the body is healing from surgery or a child is learning to speak a language, or a teacher is to have classroom management), routine is needed. To this end creating checklists to follow and an anecdotal record to notate important aspects of medical care, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy provide a framework for routine.

Technology speeds this process too. We have a series of short videos and chats in face time and Skype which form a collection from which the brain chooses to attach.

There is a lot of adaptation provided by learning and replicating Vygotsky’s work. What repeated actions do you need to see for success in your workplace or with your students?



Vygotsky, L. (1980). Mind in Society. Harvard University Press.

Wong, H. and Wong, R (1998).The first days of school.

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