10 Tech Tricks You Are Already Doing: Part 2
# 6 You are utilizing a “Plan B” when technology goes down. “Plan B” means: archiving websites, saving online movies to your hard drive or other storage device, and having lesson options available in offline format.
# 7 You are keeping up with computer maintenance through player plug-in updates, virus software updates, weekly virus software scans, avoiding extra toolbars, screensaver, widget downloads, and performing monthly defrags.
# 8 You are using MS Office and/or Star Office modules as a lesson warm-up, as an application of content exercise, and as a method for students to create digital products.
# 9 You are finding what you need in internet searches, application files, and when teaching students to research by using: the Edit Menu/Find feature.
#10 You have downloaded these Great Freebies while they are still free: MS PhotoStory, Microsoft Reader, and Google Earth.
Link to the online game containing these tech tricks: http://www.oops.bizland.com/10tech.swf