25 or 6 to 14: Short Attention Spans Meets Its Match
Found myself stranded last night coming home from Portales b/c of storms. Catching up on email, I read a notice about a new book, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure by Larry Smith.Based loosely on the literary legend of Hemingway, challenged to write a story in six words, supposedly composed “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Smith gives this challenge a non-fiction twist, inviting people to tell their life story in six words.
What would you write? What’s your six-word-life-summary?
Here are my attempts–Send me yours!
Smiled, laughed, surfed, copied, pasted, uploaded
Smiled, laughed, twirled in flip flops
Deciding whether to answer the phone
Waited for pendulum to swing back
Short Attention Span Meets Its Match
How about giving your students your best 6-Word Advice?
“Whatever” is not a great answer.
The Key to possibilities: just begin
Don’t Try: Forge. Don’t Wait: Act.
Fail Here, Fail Big, Begin Again
Get Plan B, For Technology and Life
Invite your students to join you. Then, up the ante: tell them they must include 1-2 of your latest unit vocabulary words.