10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Perspective is All In How You Frame Your Experience

Addendum to Concordia Lesson

Is perspective one of the “liquid skills” that Taylor connects with STEAM Learning>

Peter Taylor (2016) writes that  “Given the rapid emergence of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, DNA mapping, robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing, biotechnology and the ‘internet of things’, business and industry leaders are calling for graduates with liquid skills that enable them to adapt to a fluid working landscape throughout their lives; to prepare for jobs that currently do not exist, but that will be essential to the nation’s economic wellbeing. In this section, you will reflect on how to integrate STEAM activities and graphic organizers into your content instruction.”

Taylor (2016) connects STEAM education with “liquid skills.” that also mirror many 21st Century Skills. These liquid skills include “the ability to work with others, verbal communication, creative and critical thinking, active listening and active learning, and a disposition towards lifelong learning” (Infosys, 2016).

Perspective STEAM Activity:

Take a place piece of cardstock, the side of an Amazon delivery box, an envelope, or any piece of paper to use as your frame. Trace a cut a smaller square in the center of your cardstock frame.

Look through the cardstock lens for a new perspective.





Infosys (2016). Amplifying human potential: Education and skills for the fourth industrial revolution. http:// www.experienceinfosys.com/humanpotential

Taylor, P. C. (2016). Why is a STEAM curriculum perspective crucial to the 21st century?. Retrieved from https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/37950/1/STEAM.pdf

ResearchGate Link to Taylor paper: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Taylor11/project/STEAM-Education/attachment/57c5200108aec1ae1310ac2b/AS:400661599539201@1472536577088/download/ACER+Paper+2016+-+Taylor.pdf?context=ProjectUpdatesLog












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