10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Confessions of the Oldest Padawan on Tython~ 11

As part of my doctoral coursework, I’m enrolled in a Game-design course. One of the immersives is to spend time in the MMORPG domains. I chose Star Wars Old Republic. The obvious fact that I was born before Sally Ride blasted to space is not lost on me. At any given time, I am the oldest Padawan on Tython.

Level 11~Leveled up to 11!!! Learned Affection System AFK for many not in game. May the Force be with a Caffeinated Padawan

More than 800 people on four continents spent six years and nearly $200 million creating Star Wars: The Old Republic.

And they didn’t think to put in a Starbucks. Or sure, there’s a Cantina. But proper Padawans in worlds F2F and Virtual know to stay out of there on a Saturday night.

Which is where I am now. Playing and needing more Java in order to make it to Level 12. Thanks to a partnerships with Jedi Knight Storadt and his droid companion and a companion I united with named Gaizzen —- a tall, green scaley guy  (I really don’t remember his name*. He looked like something that crawl on my patio during the humid summer months, but I did appreciate the assist.) My partnership with tall green scaley guy was part of the SWOR Affection System. “The SWTOR affection system tracks the relationship between a player and each companion. Buying gifts for the companion and making appropriate conversation choices increase the affection rating. In addition, decisions the player makes when a companion is present can also influence the relationship. Companion characters will voice their perspectives from time to time, often giving information on current storylines and pointing out locations to visit.” Source  In my AFK life, I am grateful for many people who blast through my own Affection System and are great and fun friends.

Confession: AFK for me means “Away For Kona” and, at 11:11 on a Friday night, this is not always the wisest choice, but I choose it nonetheless. I also need to work to increase my own Affection System points with my AFK friends.

*Update May 31: I discovered that my companion’s name from last night was Qyzen Fess. I’m shuddering that I tip-toed into the world of “love ’em and leave ’em and forget their name.” I resolve to be a more considerate Jedi Consular in the future.


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Sources: PluggedIn


Confessions of the Oldest Padawan on Tython~10

As part of my doctoral coursework, I’m enrolled in a Game-design course. One of the immersives is to spend time in the MMORPG domains. I chose Star Wars Old Republic. The obvious fact that I was born before Sally Ride blasted to space is not lost on me. At any given time, I am the oldest Padawan on Tython.

Level 10~Watercooler Chat After the Holiday



Level. 10. All together now!!! YAY!!!
Productive holiday weekend…Looking forward to being back at the office.

Yesterday, when colleagues at work talked about where they went for the Memorial Day weekend, I could hardly wait to chime in– “I went to the Tython Hollows, the Fleshraider cave and ran through the Elysian Trail!!!

Next time, I must upload screenshots to my Flickr account.

Confession: I kinda prefer inter-planetary travel over interstate travel.




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Confessions of the Oldest Padawan on Tython~2

As part of my doctoral coursework, I’m enrolled in a Game-design course. One of the immersive experiences is to spend time in the MMORPG domains. I chose Star Wars Old Republic. The obvious fact that I was born before Sally Ride blasted to space is not lost on me. At any given time, I am the oldest Padawan on Tython.


Confession: I wade into Tython’s waters slowly. When learning something new, it’s best to tether to an expert.

My Games professor discovered our SWOR Facebook support group and asked to join. I am a timid new Padawan, resolutely remaining a pacifist which is problematic for my first Mission to slay FleshRaiders. My professor and his friend agree to meet “in game**”  We combine Skype with SWOR field work. We moved beyond the dilemma of “do I call you by your first name?” to “do I call you by your screen name?” which is a necessary protocol to anticipate.

Phystei and Peit respect my pacifism and forge through the field of Tython (nicely manicured lawns for a game realm) and slay Fleshraiders on my behalf which is how I acquire my first points. I dutifully take notes of their instructions creating a cheat-sheet to navigate when the scaffolding support of my professor is absent next time.

My initiation to games matches up to on the SAMR model. I am definitely in the “Redefinition” stage!



*game lingo*


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Picture Source


Confessions of the Oldest Padawan on Tython~1

As part of my doctoral coursework, I’m enrolled in a Game-design course. One of the immersives is to spend time in the MMORPG domains. I chose Star Wars Old Republic. The obvious fact that I was born before Sally Ride blasted to space is not lost on me. At any given time, I am the oldest Padawan on Tython.

Level 1: Padawan ergo sum

A Padawan is an apprentice in the Jedi order.  (Wookieepedia, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Padawan) I have chosen to “be” a Jedi  Consular. (NOTE: I am still marinating in the idea of my “be-ness” in a MMORPG game, having spent far too much time with the Shakepearean and Descarte- (Cogito ergo sum), and Erikson orientations). My entry into this situated learning experience has been the subject of much discussion at work. The role of Jedi Consular appealed to me after reading Zayne Carrick’s definition, “ A Consular is a specialized kind of Jedi. They focus more on cerebral Force skills. They’re our healers, our researchers, our seers.” The Pacifist in me needs the  Consular designation over a Jedi fighter and the Puritan in me chooses Consular over the Smuggler role or (gasp) members of the Sith tribe. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jedi_Consular

Confession: Padawan ergo sum replaces Cogito ergo sum



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Essential resources: sent by my cadre-mate, Deb via her game afficionado son, Ben Star Wars: The Old Republic | Game Overview

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