Weekend Ed. Quote ~ July 24

“The word ‘technology’ gets put out there as if computers and technology are synonymous. Whereas, a different technology in my classroom might be handing out whiteboards and giving students erasable pens. That’s a tremendous technology, because it engages them. I see the results. I can check for understanding. And, in part, the students can see each other responding. That’s the big piece missing from distance learning. I’ve heard it said that we’re using a system that’s 100 years old, putting a bunch of students in a classroom,” Sampson added. “And yes, of course that’s true. But once it’s taken away, we realize what an advantage that was.” ~ Paul Sampson, Middle School Spanish teacher in Scotts Valley, California. 

Stay Curious




, S (June 2, 2020). It Was a Bumpy Ride, But Virtual Schooling During the Coronavirus Boosted Teachers’ Tech Skills- COVID-19 forced educators to master new technologies faster than ever. Edweek.  Retrieved from https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2020/06/03/it-was-a-bumpy-ride-but-virtual.html?

