10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Valentine’s Day Stories and Books~ Which is the All-time Best?

What’s the all-time best Valentine’s Book/Story?

For me, it’s Pride and Prejudice. Both PBS and Amazon Prime feature the best movie/mini-series version starring Colin Firth.

PBS even has background info on some of the salient narrative points. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/tag/pride-and-prejudice 

Here is a list of best Valentine’s stories for grade school kids: https://www.thoughtco.com/top-childrens-books-for-valentines-day-627613

Also, I found this list of “Sweet Stories for a Sweet Holiday”

Here is a list announcing books for children ages 1-18:

Click here for some of the this blog’s previous Valentine’s Day posts.

What’s your favorite Valentine’s Day book?


Love Poems for Mathematicians from Ben Orlin

Ben Orlin  (#mathwithbadhashtags) has one of the most delightful and humorous blogs. Orlin’s blog is called Math with Bad Drawings. For Valentine’s Day, Orlin has showcased his talents with his funny perspective  on Valentine’s Day from a mathematicians’ point of view. Click on the link below to smile a little bit more this Valentine’s Day.

#mathwithbadhashtags is also my Hashtag of the Day.

Love Poems for Mathematicians


Heart Rocks Valentine’s Day Project

Here is a great, easy, fun, and frolicking craft for Valentine’s Day.
It can also be adapted for a rain day, snow day, or “Free” day.
Complete instructions at this link:


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