10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Just what is a Flipped Classroom and Why Should I Care?

Great teachers are always exploring new strategies to improve teaching and learning.

Flipped Classrooms is a Learning Trend addressing instructional time, classroom activities, and how both are allocated.

The article post titled, “Flipped or flattened classroom?” illustrates the Flipped Classroom extrememly well, including resources.

Six Reasons Why PBL is Applicable in a Flipped Classroom” is a blog article that gives tips for transitioning our current Problem-Based Learning units into Flipped learning experiences.


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Tech BFF: Summer Website Visiting List: SlideSpeech

BFF is an acronym for “Best Friend Forever.” These websites and tips are so good that they will become your technology BFFs!

This summer, in addition to my page-to-page book Summer Reading List, I created a Summer Website Visiting List.
One of the websites on my Summer Website Visiting List is SlideSpeech. SlideSpeech is a free service that takes any powerpoint presentation and creates a video by reading the speaker notes in your own presentation using the latest text-to-speech technology, then saving it as a linkable location. There is no downloading needed, which makes it portable to use from any machine.
Best viewed with the Firefox Browser, SlideSpeech videos are great for my converting my content powerpoints to narrated videos, without having to manually add recording, timings, and my gravely voice that seems to cause others to think I have chronic bronchitis.
I made a little sample introducing my current online course, if you would like to see:

A Introduction to our Course from SlideSpeech
SlideSpeech: http://slidespeech.com/

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