10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Happy National Poetry Day!

Happy National Poetry Day!
Here is Helena Bonham Carter reading a poem by Mary Oliver called “I Worry”…

from this post on X: https://x.com/RealRavs/status/1841788766056272210


Memorial Day Weekend ~ Monday

red Poppy in cemetery


In Flanders Fields

by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

American Legion Family - National Poppy Day






Memorial Day Weekend ~ Sunday ~ the Soldier’s Psalm

red Poppy in cemetery


The 91st Psalm:
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety, He is my God, and I trust Him. For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. Just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished.
If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.
For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go.
They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.
You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!
The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”


Memorial Day Weekend ~ Saturday

The Significance of Red Poppies to Honor Those Who Gave The Ultimate Sacrifice

Red Poppies Graphics FairyRed poppies have been a symbol of the aftermath of battles. The pairing of Red poppies and mourning for soldiers’ sacrifice has been linked to the Napoleonic war when red poppies (Palaver rhoeas), would be observed growing over soldiers’ graves.
Professor Michael was professor at the University of Georgia at the time the war broke out, yet she took a leave of absence to volunteer at the New York headquarters of the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA). Two days before the armistice, Professor Moina Michael read the poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae. The poem was published in the magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal.
Inspired by John McCrae’s poetic verses, in 1918, Professor Michael wrote her own poem in response, which she titled “We Shall Keep Faith.”

We Shall Keep the Faith
by Moina Michael, November 1918

Oh! you who sleep in Flanders Fields,
Sleep sweet – to rise anew!
We caught the torch you threw
And holding high, we keep the Faith
With All who died.

We cherish, too, the poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led;
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies,
But lends a lustre to the red
Of the flower that blooms above the dead
In Flanders Fields.

And now the Torch and Poppy Red
We wear in honor of our dead.
Fear not that ye have died for naught;
We’ll teach the lesson that ye wrought
In Flanders Fields.

silk red poppies
Professor Michael gave fabric blooms to her academic colleagues to wear in remembrance of soldiers.  After the war ended, Professor Michael returned to the university town of Athens, Georgia, and thought about the best way to continue her practice of remembrance.
She began to craft and sell red silk poppies to raise money to support war veterans as they returned to the United States.
Over time, Professor Michael organized a campaign to create a national symbol for remembrance which would be a poppy in the colors of the Allied nations’ flags entwined around a victory torch. At the beginning of 1920, she secured a pledge from Georgia’s branch of the American Legion, to adopt the poppy (minus the torch) as its symbol.
In September, 1920, the National American Legion voted to use the poppy as the official U.S. National emblem of remembrance.
American Legion Family - National Poppy Day

Pruitt, S. (2017). The WWI origins of the poppy as a remembrance symbol. History.com.

National American Legion (2021). The Poppy Story. https://www.legion.org/poppyday/history


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ Poetry for Independence Day

Good Night

Carl Sandburg

Many ways to spell good night. Fireworks at a pier on the Fourth of July

        spell it with red wheels and yellow spokes.

They fizz in the air, touch the water and quit.

Rockets make a trajectory of gold-and-blue

        and then go out. Railroad trains at night spell with a smokestack

        mushrooming a white pillar. Steamboats turn a curve in the Mississippi crying

        in a baritone that crosses lowland cottonfields

        to a razorback hill. It is easy to spell good night.

                                     Many ways to spell good night.


This poem is in the public domain. Published in Poem-a-Day by the Academy of American Poets.


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ December 6, 2019

The Weekend Ed. Quote this week is… a poem!!

The mind is constantly trying to figure out
what page it’s on in the story of itself.
Close the book. Burn the bookmark. End of story.
Now the dancing begins.

~ Ikko Narasaki 

Snow Aerial View

photo by Helen Teague






Weekend Ed. Quote ~ August 23

Every day has something in
it whose name is Forever.

~ Mary Oliver, from the poem, “Forever”

Photo by Helen Teague

Photo by Helen Teague






Poetry is Literacy too! Joy Harjo Named Poet Laureate

From the Library of Congress Email Digest:

Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden announced on June 19, 2019 that Joy Harjo had received the appointment of the nation’s 23rd Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry for 2019-2020. Harjo will take up her duties in the fall, opening the Library’s annual literary season on Sept. 19 with a reading of her work in the Coolidge Auditorium.

“What a tremendous honor it is to be named the U.S. Poet Laureate,” Harjo said. “I share this honor with ancestors and teachers who inspired in me a love of poetry, who taught that words are powerful and can make change when understanding appears impossible, and how time and timelessness can live together within a poem. I count among these ancestors and teachers my Muscogee Creek people, the librarians who opened so many doors for all of us, and the original poets of the indigenous tribal nations of these lands, who were joined by diverse peoples from nations all over the world to make this country and this country’s poetry.”

Read some of Harjo’s poetry at this link from the Poetry Foundation.

Harjo joins a long line of distinguished poets who have served in the position, including Juan Felipe Herrera, Charles Wright, Natasha Trethewey, Philip Levine, W.S. Merwin, Kay Ryan, Charles Simic, Donald Hall, Ted Kooser, Louise Glück, Billy Collins, Stanley Kunitz, Robert Pinsky, Robert Hass and Rita Dove.

Click here for more information.

Related Information: Hooray for Joy! The Library Has a New Poet Laureate


Poetry is Part of Literacy

Poetry is Part of Literacy and Lifelong Reading

Here’s is my current favorite poem


What Is Usual Is Not What Is Always

What is usual is not what is always.
As sometimes, in old age, hearing comes back.

Footsteps resume their clipped edges,
birds quiet for decades migrate back to the ear.

Where were they? By what route did they return?

A woman mute for years
forms one perfect sentence before she dies.

The bitter young man tires;
the aged one sitting now in his body is tender,
his face carries no regret for his choices.

What is usual is not what is always, the day says again.
It is all it can offer.

Not ungraspable hope, not the consolation of stories.
Only the reminder that there is exception.

~ Jane Hirschfield


What are your favorite poems? 


World Poetry Day – March 21

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