10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ April 26

“Something told me to draw or die. It was shown to me what I should do.” ~ Minnie Evans, Artist, folk art

Minnie Evans, untitled

Minnie Evans, Untitled



Quoting Source: Perry, R. A. (1992). Free within ourselves: African-American Artists in the Collection of the National Museum of American Art. National Museum of American Art in Association with Pomegranate Art Books.

Image Source: artnet.com/WebServices/images/ll00058lldDD3JFgUNECfDrCWQFHPKcEpjG/minnie-evans-untitled.jpg



More Weekend Ed. Quotes

#CUNE604, #CUNE605


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ April 19

“I have no imagination. I never plan a drawing, they just happen. In a dream it was shown to me what I have to do, of paintings. The whole entire horizon all the way across the whole earth was out together like this with pictures. All over my yard, up all the sides of trees and everywhere were pictures.” — Artist Minnie Evans






Starr, N. H. (1969). The Lost World of Minnie Evans, The Bennington Review (111), 2 (Summer 1969): 41.

Image Source: https://www.petulloartcollection.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Minnie-Evans.jpg


More Weekend Ed. Quotes

#CUNE604, #CUNE605


EDP Cycle – Crowdsourcing the Beta Test!

The EDP Cycle remains relevant! There is one phase of the grade 5-12 EDP cycle that every classroom participant can relate to, whether student or teacher, and that is “Build a model or Prototype.” In the K-4 EDP Cycle, this component is labeled “Evaluate.”

EDP 5-12 model EDP K-4















The “Build a Model or Prototype/Evaluate phase is continuously being applied in business using the word Beta test. Here is an example from current business news that fits with all of the snow of the Winter season. 

The Snowbot is a square robot that shovels snow! Here it is in action! 



Currently in development and Beta text by the company – https://www.thesnowbot.com/pages/become-a-beta-tester

STEM/STEAM Application:
Have you ever participated in a Beta test?  It might be a fun class activity to show the Snowbot videos to Students who would serve in the role of Focus Group participants! What do you think about this and/or what other EDP applications come to mind when viewing the Snowbot videos?


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ August 27

“Math literacy is the key to 21st century citizenship.” ~ Robert Moses, The Algebra Project






More Weekend Ed. Quotes


Best Field Trip Since 1969!

The Best Field Trip Since 1969!

On this day, 52 years ago, Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) and Buzz Aldrin (born 1930) landed on the Moon in the greatest engineering accomplishment of the 20th century!

Today, just outside dusty Van Horn, Texas a small team of private citizens blasted off in the Blue Origin rocket called the Alan Shepard. The rocket was named after Alan Shepard (1923-1998), the astronaut who, in 1961 became the first American and the second man to travel into space. Ten years later, Shepard also walked on the Moon.


New Shepard Blue Origin Crew

Field Trips or Field Excursions have been a foundational component of educational and instructional practice . Two notable Critical Thinkers, Friedrich Froebel and John Dewey encouraged educational excursions (Woods, 1937). The Existentialist Henry David Thoreau and his brother John are considered to be the first teaching pair to include field excursions in their Concord curriculum circa 1839 (Lunsford, 2019).


The Blue Origin private citizens Jeff Bezos, Mercury 13 aviator Wally Funk, Mark Bezos, and Oliver Daemen became astronauts when they took an 11-minute field trip, including 3 minutes of weightlessness in the first Field Trip 66.5 miles (351, 210 feet) above Earth!

What are your thoughts on today’s flight?

Read More Here: https://www.space.com/blue-origin-jeff-bezos-first-astroanut-launch-crew

Taking a Field Trip from PBS Learning Media: https://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/educators/technique-guide/taking-a-field-trip/  (Links to an external site.)Oregon Public Broadcasting,   (Links to an external site.)2014.



Lunsford, M. (2019).  Lunsford Column: The Real Value of Field Trips. Indiana News and Tribune.  https://www.newsandtribune.com/opinion/lunsford-column-the-real-value-of-field-trips/article_e4b9c688-2b37-11ea-a88c-e38452f95e29.html  (Links to an external site.)

Woods, H. (1937). A study of the origin and development of the educational excursion and field trip. https://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4940&context=etd/  (Links to an external site.)

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A Foundational Course in STEM/STEAM Education!

Tomorrow is beginning of a foundational course in STEM/STEAM education!

Here are some of the visuals that I embed in early course communications.


the path of success begins today

Begin with the end in mind


Apply the Design Process- #STEM #STEAM

Apply the Design Process to Innovations such as the Fire Fighting Drone.



Source: Tech Insider on YouTube https://youtu.be/Bm2BVTTir4c



Comet Neowise – STEM / STEAM in Real-time Current Events

Awesome STEM / STEAM in Real-time Current Events – Comet Neowise

Comet Neowise over Sedona

Image Source: https://twitter.com/dlennard/status/1283231808755126272/photo/1 by David Lennard





Weekend Ed. Quote ~ June 5

“Research shows STEM education teaching is enhanced when the teacher has sufficient content knowledge and domain pedagogical content knowledge.” ~Kelley & Knowles, 2016, p. 3





Kelley, T. R., & Knowles, J. G. (2016). A conceptual framework for integrated STEM education. International Journal of STEM Education3(1), 11.






Engineering Current Event: Carnegie Mellon Will Open Source Its Digital Learning Software

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