Weekend Ed. (and STEAM) Quote ~ September 2

“I wanted the piece … to conjure up an intuitive awareness of the long movements of time required for the creation of a canyon. I also wanted in some way to pay homage to Native Americans, to whom this canyon was a sacred place. And I wanted to capture in music that magical moment which everyone experiences when they first see the flat, treeless High Plains fall dizzyingly away into the colorful vastness of the Palo Duro Canyon itself.” Composer Samuel Jones, Notes to Symphony No. 3 (“Palo Duro Canyon”).

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/xiGNcHLEgKc


YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/h1j8UW1ySUs


Read more about the Palo Duro symphony by Samuel Jones: http://samueljones.net/works.html





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