10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ May 10

“Believing that one can initiate and sustain change is a key piece of making change possible.”
Etienne Wenger-Trayner (Editor), Learning in Landscapes of Practice, p. 143

Flower Fields photo courtesy of Pamela Marschke-Worrell

Flower Fields photo courtesy of Pamela Marschke-Worrell






Wenger-Trayner, E., Fenton-O’Creevy, M., Hutchinson, S., Kubiak, C., & Wenger-Trayner, B. (Eds.). (2014). Learning in Landscapes of Practice: Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning. Routledge.

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More Weekend Ed. Quotes

#CUNE604, #CUNE605


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ November 10

Plutarch asked, “Why do the Spartans punish with a fine the warrior who loses his helmet or spear but punish with death the warrior who loses his shield.” Because helmet and spear are carried for the protection of the individual alone, but the shield protects every man in the line.


Honoring all the individuals who have served — and who continue to serve — in the U.S. military.
Verterans Day

Thank you for your service!




Steve Rose Phd Counseling. 6 things veteran’s can teach us about life. https://steverosephd.com/what-veterans-can-teach-us-about-life/

Click here to view previous Veteran’s Day posts




More Weekend Ed. Quotes

#PeaceSchema #GCUTEC544 #GCUTEC595 #GCUTEC516 #GCUTEC521
#CUNE607 #CUNE604, #CUNE605



Pro Tennis Player Chris Eubanks: The importance of work ethics and repeated guided practice

Repeated, guided practice and a determined mindset are keys to achieving goals!

Christopher Eubanks, American pro tennis player describes how he became a semi-finalist at Wimbledon after 4 tries in qualifiers.

Eubanks played for Georgia Tech 2014-2017.

Video capture – July 11, 2023.


Best Hero of the Day ~ Anonymous Acts of Kindness

This time in our global experience inspires the heroic acts of compassion, sharing, and service by public-facing people. 

Yet, there are also unannounced, quiet acts of service by equally heroic people, who asked to remain Anonymous:

~ The neighbor from another street, who mows the grass of a teacher and single mother who is now teaching her class of 4th graders from home. She keeps missing her stealthy neighbor, but their service allows her kids to play outside.

~ The high school teacher who, concerned about the business needs of her local bakery, buys loaves of banana bread and zucchini bread to deliver to postal carriers, gas station attendants, trash truck operators, and school cafeteria workers who daily continue in their jobs.

~ The young doctoral student who sends surprise, whimsical care packages to individual family since she can’t travel to see them. 

~ The nine year-old who, after a surprise daybreak coffee brew for his Mom, who teaches from home, has made this act of love a daily morning occurence.


~ The thoughtful neighbor who quietly left a roll of toilet paper and a box of tissues at the door of each of the families in the apartment complex where they all live. 

thank you

Thank you for all these unselfish gifts! 

Who is the Anonymous Hero of the Day in your corner of the world? What can you do (or have done) to be an Anonymous Hero of someone’s day? Leave a comment to add to this post. 






Celebrate More Heroes of the Day


Best Hero of the Day~ Hawley High School Art Students

Hawley, Texas Art Students Reach Out to Older Adults

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but during Social Distancing, it is also worth a thousand smiles! Hawley High School art students leveraged their artistic talents in community service to the legacy citizens of their neighborhoods.

“Art just kind of, it just cheers everyone up,” said Hawley High School sophomore Kaylee Grisham.

“We want to show that with all this chaos going on, there’s still things that we can do that can make an impact,” said Hawley High School junior Lexi Smith.

Hawley High School Art Students 1


Read more information from the original reporting by at this link



Celebrate More Heroes of the Day


Best Hero of the Day ~ Dr. Stephen Richardson and Jim McGurran

To combat a potential availability or shortage of ventilators due to the COVID-19 pandemic calls for “MacGvyer style” engineering.

Dr. Stephen Richardson, Cardiac Anesthesiologist at the University of Minnesota and his best friend Jim McGurran, biomedical engineer redesigned a CPR machine to function as a one-arm robot ventilator.

The Cost? $150.00. Listen to their brilliance …


“This allows those patients who would otherwise not have an opportunity to survive to survive it gives people a chance and that’s what this is all about.” ~Dr. Stephen Richardson, University of Minnesota. 


Read and Learn more at this link

Video Source: U of M doctor constructs ventilators to battle COVID-19, March 23, 2020. YouTube link: https://youtu.be/gw5LPx6LCjc

Read more link source: Whooley, S., (March 23, 2020) University of Minnesota researcher touts makeshift $150 ventilator to treat coronavirus. Retrieved from https://www.massdevice.com/university-of-minnesota-researcher-touts-makeshift-150-ventilator-to-treat-coronavirus/



Celebrate More Heroes of the Day


Best Hero of the Day ~ Mitch and DeAnn Lurie

Mitch and DeAnn Lurie co-founded The Leather Sofa Co. in 2004. Fast-forward 16 years and the Lewisville, Texas leather furniture company, when faced with pandemic restrictions decided to retrofit their inventory of sofa fabrics into medical masks for healthcare workers.

The Leather Furniture Co.

The Lurie’s called their employees back to their factory and put them to work making the masks.

“I just felt like we needed to do something to give back,” Mitch Lurie said. “So I said, ‘OK, let’s get to work! Let’s see what we can do.'”

One employee found a pattern online to make face masks. A machine that would normally cut leather for sofas is instead mapping out the face mask pattern on black fabric and cutting it. The rest of the work is done by hand.

The factory makes 1,000 masks a day. These masks will be sent to Presbyterian Hospital’s oncology department.

Update: Joining The Leather Sofa Co. to make protective medical masks and medical equipment are Eddie Bauer, Nordstrom, Gap, and Canada Goose. Vera Bradley is switching its Indiana facility to produce masks from the fabric normally used to make handbags. Source Link




Celebrate More Heroes of the Day


Best Hero of the Day: “The Medical Mask Force of Abilene”



Medical Masks are absolutely essential for front line health care heroes.

Effie McClendon recognized this need and wanted to help. McClendon is the founding member of “The Medical Mask Force of Abilene.” McClendon says, “we’re figuring it out together” regarding the logistics of the community effort she began. The Medical Mask Force of Abilene began less than 10 days ago!





The group, organized on Facebook, has posted a tutorial for sewing the mask on their group site.


Accurate Air Solutions in Abilene donated N95 filters. The Medical Mask Force of Abilene are organizing and contacting several businesses, the local library, university Maker Lab in Abilene, Texas to help with cutting materials, cutting, packaging, and teaching others to sew! Those who sew range in age from 8 years to, well, older than that!

Keeping social distancing in mind, the group has three drop-off stations in medical establishments.

As one group member shared, “This project is replacing my worry with love and hope!”



Update: Nordstrom Alterations Sewing more than 100,000 masks. 



Celebrate More Heroes of the Day


Best Hero of the Day! 3D Printing Company Materialise

Excerpt from the 3D Printing Industry blog post:

Materialise, a global provider of 3D printing services, has released files for a 3D printed hands-free door handle attachment to alleviate Coronavirus transmission via one of the most common mediums.

“Door handles are subjected to a lot of physical contact over the course of a day, especially in public spaces such as offices and hospitals. This makes them a hotspot for microbes to hitch a ride on our palms and fingertips. The 3D printable add-on allows users to carry out the lever action required to pop open most modern doors using their elbows.

The file for the door handle attachment is available to download for free. The assembly comes in two parts and will require four screws and four nuts to secure it.”

Source: https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/3d-printing-community-responds-to-covid-19-and-coronavirus-resources-169143/Materialise releases hands-free door handle attachment.



Celebrate More Heroes of the Day


Best Hero of the Day! Lisa Moody and Blessing Table

In Mobile, Alabama Lisa Moody, her husband, and her neighbors create a blessing table in their neighborhood during the coronavirus shut-down.


Story from WKRG.com at this link: https://www.wkrg.com/top-stories/neighbors-create-blessing-table-amid-coronavirus-crisis/



Celebrate More Heroes of the Day

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