10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


EDP Cycle – Crowdsourcing the Beta Test!

The EDP Cycle remains relevant! There is one phase of the grade 5-12 EDP cycle that every classroom participant can relate to, whether student or teacher, and that is “Build a model or Prototype.” In the K-4 EDP Cycle, this component is labeled “Evaluate.”

EDP 5-12 model EDP K-4















The “Build a Model or Prototype/Evaluate phase is continuously being applied in business using the word Beta test. Here is an example from current business news that fits with all of the snow of the Winter season. 

The Snowbot is a square robot that shovels snow! Here it is in action! 



Currently in development and Beta text by the company – https://www.thesnowbot.com/pages/become-a-beta-tester

STEM/STEAM Application:
Have you ever participated in a Beta test?  It might be a fun class activity to show the Snowbot videos to Students who would serve in the role of Focus Group participants! What do you think about this and/or what other EDP applications come to mind when viewing the Snowbot videos?


CT Presentation ~Dr. Nettrice Gaskins



Weekend Ed. Quote ~ October 1, 2021

On the importance of connecting STEAM units to thinking inside the box…

The Arts 2

“In working with such a variety of schools, teachers, and students, as well as buildings, schedules, and budgets, the common and most important element in every situation was the dedication and determination of the staff to make STEAM succeed. This is where thinking inside the box was very useful. Teachers always have limitations with regard to, well, everything: budgets, schedules, space, and so on. STEAM not only encourages but also thrives on big ideas. By having to work inside the box, teachers developed incredibly creative solutions to most problems. In spite of the greatly varying accessobility to resources and staff time limitations, all schools were very successful in implementing STEAM.” ~David Sousa and Tom Pilecki, From STEM to STEAM: Brain Compatible Strategies and Lessons That Integrate the Arts, page 63.



Sousa, D. & Pilecki, T. (2018). From STEM to STEAM: Brain Compatible Strategies and Lessons That Integrate the Arts. Corwin Press, p. 63.





More Weekend Ed. Quotes


Weekend Ed. Quotes ~ September 24, 2021

On the importance of connecting innovation with creativity…

The Arts 2

“All innovation begins with creative ideas. Successful implementation of new programs, new product introductions, or new services depends on a person or a team having a good idea-and developing that idea beyond its initial state.”
~Amabile, Conti, Coon, Lazenby, & Herron, 1996, p. 1154.

In 1999, researchers Sternberg and O’Hara provided the pioneering framework of five possible relationships between creativity and intelligence:

  1. Creativity is a type of intelligence

  2. Intelligence is a type of creativity

  3. Creativity and intelligence are overlapping constructs (they have some traits in common)

  4. Creativity and intelligence are part of the same construct (they’re basically the same thing)

  5. Creativity and intelligence are distinct constructs (there is no relationship between them)


Here is a blog post (non-peer-reviewed) on creativity with some engaging design features and easy readability: What is creativity? The ultimate guide to understanding today’s most important ability by Kelly Morr at this link: https://99designs.com/blog/creative-thinking/what-is-creativity/ 



Amabile, T. M., Conti, R., Coon, H., Lazenby, J., & Herron, M. (1996). Assessing the work environment for creativity. Academy of
management journal, 39(5),
p. 1154-1184. http://people.wku.edu/richard.miller/amabile.pdf 

Morr, K. (2018). What is creativity? The ultimate guide to understanding today’s most important ability. 99 Designs.  https://99designs.com/blog/creative-thinking/what-is-creativity/

Sternberg, R. J., & O’Hara, L. A. (1999). Creativity and intelligence.


More Weekend Ed. Quotes


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ September 17

Week 3: Thursday Thoughts ~ Quotes from Educators about STEAM Ideas! 

On the importance of epistemological pluralism in students’ representational artifacts of learning…

The Arts 2


“Making room for students’ cultural practices in standard education to important dilemmas for educators: How do they balance their students’ freedom and creative expression with academic constraints such as testing?  Researchers (Archer, et al., 2015) are studying the ways that students bring their knowledge, aptitude, skills, and experiences, or capital, into learning settings. For students from groups underrepresented in STEAM, the gap between knowledge and skills is wider than with other groups (Allina 2018). This is a problem that educators are working to solve through culturally relevant teaching and with tools and methods that connect students to where they come from in order to develop more effective ways to support their engagement in STEAM” (Gaskins, 2021, p. 4).



Allina, B. (2018). The development of STEAM educational policy to promote student creativity and social empowerment. Arts EducationPolicy Review, 119(2), 77-87.

Archer, L., Dawson, E., DeWitt, J., Seakins, A., & Wong, B. (2015). “Science capital”: A conceptual, methodological, and empirical argument for extending bourdieusian notions of capital beyond the arts. Journal of research in science teaching, 52(7), 922-948.

Gaskins, N. R. (2021). Techno-Vernacular Creativity and Innovation: Culturally Relevant Making Inside and Outside of the Classroom.
MIT Press, p.  7.

Turkle, S., & Papert, S. (1992). Epistemological pluralism and the revaluation of the concrete. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 11(1),3-33.


More Weekend Ed. Quotes


Best Field Trip Since 1969!

The Best Field Trip Since 1969!

On this day, 52 years ago, Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) and Buzz Aldrin (born 1930) landed on the Moon in the greatest engineering accomplishment of the 20th century!

Today, just outside dusty Van Horn, Texas a small team of private citizens blasted off in the Blue Origin rocket called the Alan Shepard. The rocket was named after Alan Shepard (1923-1998), the astronaut who, in 1961 became the first American and the second man to travel into space. Ten years later, Shepard also walked on the Moon.


New Shepard Blue Origin Crew

Field Trips or Field Excursions have been a foundational component of educational and instructional practice . Two notable Critical Thinkers, Friedrich Froebel and John Dewey encouraged educational excursions (Woods, 1937). The Existentialist Henry David Thoreau and his brother John are considered to be the first teaching pair to include field excursions in their Concord curriculum circa 1839 (Lunsford, 2019).


The Blue Origin private citizens Jeff Bezos, Mercury 13 aviator Wally Funk, Mark Bezos, and Oliver Daemen became astronauts when they took an 11-minute field trip, including 3 minutes of weightlessness in the first Field Trip 66.5 miles (351, 210 feet) above Earth!

What are your thoughts on today’s flight?

Read More Here: https://www.space.com/blue-origin-jeff-bezos-first-astroanut-launch-crew

Taking a Field Trip from PBS Learning Media: https://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/educators/technique-guide/taking-a-field-trip/  (Links to an external site.)Oregon Public Broadcasting,   (Links to an external site.)2014.



Lunsford, M. (2019).  Lunsford Column: The Real Value of Field Trips. Indiana News and Tribune.  https://www.newsandtribune.com/opinion/lunsford-column-the-real-value-of-field-trips/article_e4b9c688-2b37-11ea-a88c-e38452f95e29.html  (Links to an external site.)

Woods, H. (1937). A study of the origin and development of the educational excursion and field trip. https://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4940&context=etd/  (Links to an external site.)

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Weekend Ed. Quote ~July 09

“Art is the window to man’s soul. Without it, he would never be able to see beyond his immediate world; nor could the world see the man within.” ~Claudia Lady Bird Johnson

Image by Helen Teague

Image Designed by Helen Teague





More Weekend Ed. Quotes



A Foundational Course in STEM/STEAM Education!

Tomorrow is beginning of a foundational course in STEM/STEAM education!

Here are some of the visuals that I embed in early course communications.


the path of success begins today

Begin with the end in mind


Nerd Research Minute: #STEAM up Reading with Drawing

Summarizing with Drawings: A Reading-Comprehension Strategy
by Janine Elliott
Science Scope, v30 n5 p23-27 Jan 2007

Available from NTSA: National Science Teaching Association


Description: When teachers ask their students to read something in class, they often encounter students who just wait for everyone else to finish reading before they do. These type of students are the ones most likely to dislike reading and they are just content to wait it out. Teachers may counteract this by requiring students to answer questions in writing or by requiring them to skim the reading until they find the answers. In this article, the author shares a strategy she developed to motivate students and engage them in the reading process. Her strategy requires students to read an article and then draw pictures that summarize the main ideas of what they had read. (Contains 6 figures and 6 resources.)
“When students summarize by drawing they must form a visual representation of the information they’re trying to convey. This provides an opportunity for students to elaborate and encode the information in a personally meaningful way. In addition, drawing after reading encourages students to reflect on what they have read and allows time to process the information. In some cases, I found that students admitted reading more carefully when they knew they would have to draw. In essence, they paid more attention to what they were reading in order to be able to do the drawing activity afterward. Finally, drawing can be used as a motivational tool. My students generally found it enjoyable, partly because they felt it took less effort than having to complete a written summary.” ~Janine Elliott
A motivational strategy for students acknowledging that there is a personal value (drawing) attached to the task of reading. Elliott scientifically tested her strategy in class and describes the breakdown of specific data in this short article.  
Elliott, J. (2007). Summarizing with Drawings: A Reading-Comprehension Strategy. Science Scope30(5), 23-27.


What if you just want to draw?

In this TED Talk, “How a Boy Became an Artist,” Jarrett J. Krosoczka tells how he grew up to create beloved children’s books.

As one of my grad students wrote, “Jarrett Krosoczka mesmerized his audience…and me…as he picture talked through his life from the addicted artist that was his mother through the punctuated moments his teachers and grandparents made, to significant events like art lessons and a video camera, to his first publishing, and beyond. It appears that the teachers who impacted him were the ones who gave him the skills, his first grade teacher, and the teachers who gave him the opportunity to use his creativity in authentic ways, such as the cartoonist for the high school paper.”

Hope you agree!



TED Talk Video Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/jarrett_j_krosoczka_how_a_boy_became_an_artist?language=en

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