10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Images of Aging Photo Contest Announcment


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ August 26

“{Setting} Goals has a directive effect on cognition and behavior, directing attention and effort toward goal- relevant tasks and away from irrelevant activities. Goals also serve an energizing function, which stimulates individuals to exert the effort necessary to match the demands of the task (Schunk, 2001).”
~ Consuelo Cabral-Márquez, in Motivating Readers: Helping Students Set and Attain Personal Reading Goals.

Goal Setting

Source: https://saxoncrossfit.com/goal-setting/





Cabral‐Márquez, C. (2015). Motivating Readers. The Reading Teacher, 68(6), 464-472.

Schunk, D. H. (2001). Self-regulation through goal setting. ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Student
Services . (ERIC Document Reproduction Service Report No. ED462671).

More Weekend Ed. Quotes


A New Course on Digital Reading from PBS TeacherLine

Those who read on their own are more academically successful (NEA, 2002-2015). It’s back to school at PBS TeacherLine! PBS TeacherLine is offering several new courses for the next six weeks and throughout the Fall. One of the new courses focuses on Digital Reading. This timely topic will be addressed through current research-based articles and learner-hosted activities.  those who read on their own are more academically successful (NEA, 2002-2015.) I’m grateful and excited to teach the course begins Wednesday, August 14 and concludes on September 27, 2016. Please visit PBS TeacherLine to learn more and enroll.

Digital Reading A Year in Review




National Education Association (2002-2015). Facts About Children’s Literacy. Retrieved from https://www.nea.org/grants/facts-about-childrens-literacy.html

Infographic Source


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ August 19

Differentiation Quote


Differentiation Pinterest Board: https://www.pinterest.com/physxclassroom/differentiated-instruction/


Quote created by Teague using ReciteThis. Permalink: http://piccsy.com/post/view/6955058

More Weekend Ed. Quotes


Thank you to Santa Fe Public Schools

Special thanks to the dedicated and talented teachers at the Santa Fe Public Schools! Thank you for a warm welcome and great participation during my professional staff development session, “Differentiation Instruction with Technology

Have a great and productive fall semester!


“Differentiation Instruction with Technology”

Here is our Agenda for “Differentiation Instruction with Technology” in the Santa Fe Public Schools

Our Essential Questions are:

            1. What is the role of technology as a tool for differentiation?

            2. How can we use educational technology to enhance and
differentiate student learning?


Our GOAL Statement  is to : Create or plan something you can implement in the first ten days of school.

Let’s begin to engage with content, investigate, play, and discuss with each other~!



Weekend Ed. Quote: August 12



More Weekend Ed. Quotes



Newsela is an online current event repository of over 1,000 current event articles in eight categories:

  • War & Peace
  • Kids
  • Science
  • Money
  • Law
  • Health
  • Arts
  • Sports

The articles feature differentiated interest levels and five different reading levels of students. Most articles include a summative comprehension quiz and lesson plans. The quizzes align to Common Core Standards eight different learning standards:

  • What the Text Says
  • Central Idea
  • People, Events & Ideas
  • Word Meaning & Choice
  • Text Structure
  • Point of View/Purpose
  • Multimedia
  • Arguments & Claims

Newsela pulls its articles from over forty different media sources such as the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, and the Associated Press. Most articles are translated into Spanish. Newsela offers both free and paywall access. Teachers collect article via “Binders.” With cloud storage features and the Newsela iOS app, students can access Newsela from school and home, library, mall, or even the skateboard park!


Words with Friends Transferred to the Classroom


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ August 6

Seymour Papert Quote

“The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.” ~Seymour Papert




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