10-Rep Learning ~ Teague's Tech Treks

Learning Technology & Tech Observations by Dr. Helen Teague


Video Review of Constructivism and Constructionism

Here is an updated video review of the Constructivism and Constructionism Learning Theories.

The video features a Microsoft digital storytelling app for creating interactive presentation called Sway. Here is the Sway link if you would like to scroll through at your own pace: https://tinyurl.com/TeagueSwayPVP

Vimeo video link: https://vimeo.com/teaguetech/piagetvygotskypapert?share=copy


Please note: This is a video excerpt from a Webinar I gave for graduate students and presented onsite in Tampere, Finland and Dublin, Ireland. This is a very low-tech, summary version of a much longer conference presentation. Participant questions and discussion are edited and gaps may be present. The video has been edited for time and content. Some edits are choppy and will never win awards. 🙂


Word Clouds – More Uses for Constructivist Learning

This post addresses more uses of Word Clouds for Constructivist Learning opportunities.

Word Clouds are visual representations for text data, typically used to depict keyword metadata (tags) on websites or other digital documents. What counts with word clouds are the frequency with which a word is used. Word clouds are also known as Tag Clouds.

Word cloud usage, design, and discussion offers multiple options for Differentiation. For concept retention, students (almost all ages), can collaboratively share 2-3 key words from reading assignments. The Instructional Leader can create a word cloud of the shares. Here is a recent word cloud of key words generated from a small group, university discussion on ethical practices in research design. This word cloud was made last night using MonkeyLearn.


Another favorite way to use Word Clouds is to help graduate students in their job searches. I copy the text of a resume and paste it into a Word Cloud Generator, such as MonkeyLearn. When I copy the text into a word cloud generator, common themes and experiences immediately appear.

professional competencies

For concept retention, students (almost all ages), can collaboratively share 2-3 key words from reading assignments. The Instructional Leader can create a word cloud of the shares. Here is a recent word cloud of key words generated from a small group, university discussion on ethical practices in research design. This word cloud was made using MonkeyLearn.


Small, student groups with digital access can also complete this process and create their word clouds. Word clouds can then be shared with discussion to follow on the similarities and differences.

Michael Gorman gives 108 additional ways to use Word Clouds in the Classroom in this post in 21st Century Tech.

  1. Put your lesson plan into a word cloud to create a word cloud of what you will be learning about. This could also be part of your entire course outline used at the beginning of a course.
  2. Paste a reading from your text into a word cloud. You may wish to turn off common words.
  3. Copy and paste a reading from the web into a word cloud. You may wish to turn off common words.
  4. Put vocabulary words into a word cloud.
  5. Use a word cloud to create a discussion either in class or posted on the web for a discussion forum. Try to create it so that a question of inquiry can be used.
  6. Create a group word cloud of the entire class or sub groups in the class. This could be in reaction to a discussion, an idea, a reading, or video. Students work in groups to come up with 20-30 descriptive words and then make a word cloud. Using advanced tools they could rank them or color code them.
  7. Each student creates a word cloud in reflection from a discussion, an idea, a reading, or video. Individual comes up with 20-30 descriptive words and then makes a word cloud. Using advanced tools they could rank them or color code them.
  8. Entire class creates a word cloud in reaction to a topic. In order to capture student word have them digitally input them using the Web 2.0 tools Write with Me or Google Forms.
  9. Have students create word clouds that generate understanding of a concept, standards or vocabulary word.
  10. Illustrate classroom thoughts or views using a word cloud to survey students. Favorite university, pro team, singer, etc.


 To read all Gorman’s suggestions, please Click here.

Learn More: 12 Valuable Wordle Tips You Must Read…Word Clouds in Education Series: Part 1

Please note: This is an updated post- Review/Read the Original post from August 17, 2012 

Here is another 10-Rep Learning blog post on the engaging power of word clouds:  Another post on Word Clouds


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ October 20

Every acquisition of accommodation becomes material for assimilation, but assimilation always resists new accommodations. ~Jean Piaget





Piaget, J. (1955). The construction of reality in the child. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19(1), 77


More Weekend Ed. Quotes

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Effective Memory & Study Practice

Effective Memory & Study Practice presentation created using Beautiful AI

To view in fullscreen, please click here



The Solipsism of generative AI

The Solipsism of generative AI


In some of my graduate classes, we have been reading about virtual and digital learning and tools to use in instructional practice. 

ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chat bot from the company OpenAI came into the spotlight in 2022. ChatGPT is one of a few generative text aggregators available to the public (Dehouche, 2021; Rutter & Mintz, 2023). 

Generative text renderers such as ChatGPT, can generate collections of information, and some schools are banning the tool from its devices and networks altogether (Korn & Kelly, 2023).

Some of the ways that generative text can theoretically be used include the following (Dehouche, 2021. Korn & Kelly, 2023; Rutter & Mintz, 2023; Washburn, 2023)… but is this ethical

  • Biographical references 
  • Bibliography citations
  • Lesson plan creation
  • Student assessment 
  • Define terms and explain challenging concepts  
  • Solve math equations 
  • Course syllabi 
  • Explore debate topics through theoretical lenses 
  • Render written text in various styles including descriptive and argumentative 
  • Writing samples in job application packets
  • Research reports
  • Speeches
  • Medical reports

Although the ChatGPT marketing indicates that it generates “original” writing, it does not do this because it is solipsistic, or existing only within itself and therefore not reflecting peer-reviewed sources (Teague, 2023).  Instead, artificial intelligence chatbots, such as ChatGPT, assembles and renders content based on sources indexed online, based on the prompts it is provided. This process is similar to compiling a Playlist, mixed , or mixed tape. The sources used in compilation may or may not be copyright-free and they may not be peer-reviewed.


Dehouche, N. (2021). Plagiarism in the age of massive generative pre-trained transformers (GPT-3). Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, (2), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.3354/esep00195  

Korn, J. & Kelly, S. (2023). New York City public schools ban access to AI tool that could help students cheat. CNN Business. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/05/tech/chatgpt-nyc-school-ban/index.html

Quora (2023). Etymology of the word solipsism. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-etymology-of-the-word-solipsism

Rutter, M.P. & Mintz, S. (2023). ChatGPT: Threat or menace? Higher Ed Gamma.

Washburn, B. (2023) How Teachers can use ChatGPT to assess students and provide feedback. Brittany Washburn.com blog. https://brittanywashburn.com/2023/03/how-teachers-can-use-chatgpt-to-assess-students-and-provide-feedback/#:~:text=ChatGPT%20is%20an%20AI%2Dbased,provide%20feedback%20efficiently%20and%20accurately.


To cite this post: Teague, H. (2023). The Solipsism of generative AI. 10RepLearning blog. https://4oops.edublogs.org/2023/06/27/the-solipsism-of-generative-ai/


Learning Something New ~ continued perspective

This is a follow-up, perspective post.

Many graduate students are pursuing advanced degrees (Masters/Doctorate) in fields that are different from their original undergraduate major. Further, these advanced degree pursuits occur in online learning environments, which are also instructional spaces that are different from their traditional location of learning.

The result is a nexus of new concepts in new environments. This is a challenge of dual proportions. Andragogical themes and characteristics, first studied and shared by Malcolm Knowles in the foundational The Adult Learner are helpful learning approaches.

Research surrounding the acquisition of content helps to temper expectations surrounding content integration. All new ideas begin with specialized words, best learned through repeated repetitive practice.

The research team of Ausubel and Youssef (1965) indicated that 17 exposures were needed to learn a new word. Ausubel and Youssef’s research is echoed in Kamil, et al. (2008) and IES Practice Guide (2008)  which suggests that words are usually learned only after they appear several times. In fact, researchers estimate that it could take as many as 17 exposures for a student to learn a new word.

Of course, many factors affect learning and if ever an advertising slogan applies to the intricate pursuit of new knowledge, then “your mileage may vary” certainly holds sway.

The enduring value of learning is that it is important, especially for adult learners, to realize that the one rep. “One and done” approach has not been successful, at least from a research standpoint. the best way to become familiar with any new topic, idea, or concept is to revisit it frequently and find immediate ways to include the topic, idea, concept into current practice. My Grandma would often tell us kids to use a new idea within 24 hours and every 24 hours until we forgot it was new. My Grandma attended formal school only through the third grade, but she remains one of the wisest people in my life.

Action Suggestion: Please share your research or research that you’ve discovered on the subject of learning repetitions in the moderated comments. 



Ausubel, D.P., & Youssef, M. (1965). The effect of spaced repetition on meaningful retention. The Journal of General Psychology, 73(1), 147-150.

IES Practice Guide (2008). Improving adolescent literacy: Effective classroom intervention, https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Docs/PracticeGuide/adlit_pg_082608.pdf

Kamil, M. L., Borman, G. D., Dole, J., Kral, C. C., Salinger, T., and Torgesen, J. (2008). Improving adolescent literacy: Effective classroom and intervention practices: A Practice Guide (NCEE #2008-4027). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/PracticeGuide/8 

Knowles, M. S., Holton III, E. F., Swanson, R. A., Swanson, R., & Robinson, P. A. (2020). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development. Google Books.


Can We Talk? No, Really!

One of the many setbacks of the past two years is the learning voids among students who were kept home and not in school or other learning environments.

Perhaps our society forgot that “children don’t think like adults” (Papert, 1999)  and their needs, especially for social connections are vastly different from adults (Piaget, 1966). The earlier works of Vygotsky and later works of Bruner (1968), Papert, Lave and Wenger form a continuum of social-emotional learning.

speaking bubbles

Children learn to talk by … talking (Bruner, 1968). The human voice in real-time is preferred. Along with talking, we must utilize question wait time and active listening.


Educators (and those who love them) can use EdTech Digital tools to catalyst the process of student talk in learning environments.

Here is a list of reliable online strategy “How-To’s”

Chatting It Up: How to Increase Student Talk Time in The ESL Classroom from Concordia University- https://www.cune.edu/academics/resource-articles/chatting-it-how-increase-student-talk-time-esl-classroom

9 Strategies for Getting More Students to Talk from Edutopia – https://www.edutopia.org/article/9-strategies-getting-more-students-talk

The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies, by Jennifer Gonzalez at Cult of Pedagogy – https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/speaking-listening-techniques/

Structured Student Talk from CCOE- https://www.scoe.org/files/el14-structured-student-talk-handout.pdf

Turn and Talk Strategy with Video Demonstrations from Teacher Toolkit – There is a Pre-K and older student version- https://www.theteachertoolkit.com/index.php/tool/turn-and-talk






Bruner, J. (1968). Child’s Talk: Learning to use language. Basic Books.

Concordia University (2019). Chatting it up: How to increase student talk time in the ESL classroom.

Gonzalez, J. (2015). The Big List of Classroom Discussion Strategie. Cult of Pedagogy. https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/speaking-listening-techniques/

Papert, S. (1999). Papert on piaget. Time magazine, pág105. https://ase.tufts.edu/DevTech/courses/readings/papertonpiaget.pdf

Piaget, J. and Inhelder, B. (1966). The psychology of the child. Basic Books.

Reid, R. (2019). 9 strategies for getting more students to talk. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/9-strategies-getting-more-students-talk

Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE), (2021). Structured Student Talk. https://www.scoe.org/files/el14-structured-student-talk-handout.pdf

TeacherToolKit: Turn and Talk Strategy (2014-2022). https://www.theteachertoolkit.com/index.php/tool/turn-and-talk

Teague, H. (2022). Learning Theory-> Vygotsky’s ZPD/MKO Constructivism and Paper’s Constructionsim. [VideoFile]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/embed/TnnBpiSNSeU


Weekend Ed. Quote ~ April 9




File Link: https://4oops.edublogs.org/files/2021/04/PapertP42.jpg

More Quotes from Seymour Papert

More Weekend Ed. Quotes


Best Tweet Roundup: 6 Powerful Learning Strategies that you must share with your students

6 Powerful Learning Strategies that you must share with your students– Click here to read the link from the Cult of Pedagogy blog. 


6PowerfulLearningStrategies you must share with Students


De-escalation Exercise for Upset Students

Tweet Round-Up – A De-escalation Exercise for Upset Students by Jennifer Gonzalez, Cult of Pedagogy

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